the place is full of people, although we avoid long shot so as not to give away the room as a whole yet. instead, we concentrate on the tense, waiting faces of some of the more familiar people: specifically, the small room from which singleton does his race broadcasts. singleton, himself, is hunched over the ticker machine, reading the print-out. billie sits at the microphone table with a pencil and pad, ready to write. singleton and billie at the ticker again. billie looks a little sleepy. singleton is obviously involved with the progress of a race. lonnegan's in line at the betting window. there are four people in front of him this time, and they are moving rather slowly. the "last flash" call is heard on the speakers. gondorff enters the store carrying his suitcase. several of the boost are already there. gondorff clasps his hands to generate a little enthusiasm. he's obviously up for this one.