twist in the middle of the room giving a route to the eirie kid. he shows him where to get his drink at the bar, where to sit and finally how to leap up and throw his racing form down in disgust. kid twist again. billie enters the room with a piece of paper. kid twist looks at it a second and then picks up the pohne and begins to dial. as lonnegan enters, we see the room for the first time in its entirety. overnight it has been transformed into a swank private club, with bar, cigarette girls, upholstered furniture and chandeliers. gondorff, holding the ticker sheet singleton has given him, emerges from the office and starts giving instructions to the boost. the store is buzzing with activity. money and booze are everywhere. the sheet writer and the boardmarker can hardly keep up with the action. lonnegan walks quickly to the betting line and finds to his relief that there's only one man ahead of him. the man puts $25,000 on king's image.