i'm busy, floyd. which one? you sure he didn't just pocket it? they workin' for anybody? all right, mark mottola up a little and put him on a bus. nothin' fancy, just enough to keep him from coming back. get some local people to take care of the other two. we gotta discourage this kinda thing. what about the other one? who's got the contract? hackers. you see the guy in the red sweater over there? name's danny mccoy. no neck mccoy we called him. runs a few protection rackets for carnello while he's waiting for something bigger to come along. me and danny been friends since we were six. take a good look at that face, floyd, cause if he ever finds out we let one lousy grifter beat us, you'll have to kill him and every other hood in chicago who'd like to do the same thing. you understand what i'm sayin'? good lad. where the hell is this guy? all right, let's start without him. mr. clemens, give me the cards. mr. shaw, we usually require a tie at this table. if you don't have one, we can get ya one. lonnegan. raise 500. see and raise five. pass. i've had enough of your lip, shaw. i've had it with that bum, floyd. stack me a cooler. i don't care. load me a deck. set it up for threes and nines. i'll cut it in on his deal. nothin'. they gotta be outa there early. i'm gonna bust that bastard in one play. raise 500. see and raise 1,000. see, and raise the rest. i guess i left it in my room. what am i supposed to do? call him for cheating better than me? your boss is quite a card player, carver. how does he do it? he'll have to take a check. i couldn't find my wallet. what do you mean? i could have you put under this train for this, errand boy. then why the rat? c'mon, i'll give ya a lift home. what's the matter? you gotta get back to shaw? all right, then. why me? shaw probably has lotsa enemies to choose from. i'm a banker, friend. that's legit in this state. that's worth fifteen grand to ya? you're dreamin', kid. if i'm not there by quarter of, i'm not coming. you should always look to the back too, kid. get on with it then. you're not gonna break him with a $2,000 bet. and you were gonna pay me back? we're waitin' for a call. the name is lonnegan. two-thousand on bluenote. that's all. you know anything about a horse named bluenote? you really picked a winner, kid. war eagle's where you want to have your money, huh? all right, riley. what the hell happened? you weren't hired to miss him. yeh, and what does cole say about that? all right, get outa here. you're outta work. we'll put salino on it. i need somebody careful. then why ain't he dead? use salino. it'll take a little longer, but there won't be any holes in it. and tell cole i wanta see him when he gets in. he had his chance and all he did was shoot up a rooming house. made a lotte noise and woke up a few cops, but didn't hit nothin'. this is salino's job now, vince. if cole wants to muscle in on it, that's his business. but he's breakin' the rules and when salino finds out about it, i can't feel sorry for what's gonna happen to him. you're a lucky man, all right. why don't ya then. you got a system, carver? i'm in. you got the 400 grand yet? i think we oughta place another bet tomorrow. if your system's as foolproof as you say, you'll get even more. let me talk to him. you want your money back? try and get it in a court of law. c'mon, don't be a sorehead. i'll make it worth your while. migth even help ya finance the big play if this one works out. what happened to your face? i could come up with 750 grand in a day if i had a reason to. i need more proof, that's all. anybody can get lucky once. if it works again tomorrow, i'll have a half million in cash here by noon the next day. we split 60-40. with 20% coming off the top for me laying your bet. either way you end up with 40. a week's a long time, friend. anything can happen. all of it bad. not if you want me to keep makin' 'em for ya. c'mon, let's hurry up there. twenty-thousand on wrecking crew. wrecking crew. i didn't get the bet down in time. tell your friend i'll have the money here by post-time tomorrow. we'll take the first race where the odds are 4-1 or better. and make sure i can get to that window this time. i don't know, figure something out. five hundred grand on syphon. if ya win it could make ya, too. you're more gutless than i thought. take it easy. everything's all right. i put it on syphon, on the nose. you give me my goddamn money back! you hear me? there's been a mistake! you give me my money back. there's been a mistake, do you hear me? my money's back there.