don't worry, we got the wallet. what happened? he get ya with the knife? you just sit tight, old man. we're gonna have to get you to a doctor. i'll call a cop. you wanted by the law or somethin'? you're crazy carryin' that kinda money in this neighborhood. no wonder you got hit. you ain't goin' nowhere on that leg. it don't look good, gramps, it's ten of now. i dunno. that little mug that got ya is mad enough at me already -- what if he's out there waitin' around a corner with some friends. sorry, pal. i'll fix you up, call you a doc, but i ain't gonna walk into a bunch of knives for ya. what makes you think you can trust him? he didn't do shit. if that punk and his pals decide to search ya, you'll never fool 'em carryin' it there. you got a bag or somethin? how 'bout a handkerchief? let me have the money. you better stick that other in here too, if you wanta keep it. all right. carry it down in your pants here. ain't no hard guy in the world gonna frisk ya there. hell no, i just cut into him. i woulda settled for pawning one of them shoes.