these are combs' favorite torpedoes. riley and cole. they do most of the small jobs, but lonnegan might not wanna use 'em on you 'cause they're kinda messy. no class. we got reason to believe riley was the guy who hit luther. but if you see either one of these two, find yourself a crowd, or take 'em someplace you know you can handle 'em. no. they're just the only ones we know of. lotta plungers ride that train just to play him. what are you going to do, con the payoff to a gambler? we'll take it. you manage the building at the end of the alley? i'll need a room over there that faces this way. how much a week? this is the last time i expect to see you down here. you wanna work flat rate or percentage? doyle lonnegan. how ya doin', lacey. coupla days ago. i'm workin' a big one with gondorff on the north side. listen duke, we're setting up a wire store. i need a twenty man boost right away. these guys have gotta be the quill, duky. we can't afford to rank the joint. no. never saw him before. he's a dick, though. good, have 'em down at stenner's old pool hall before 3:00. we're gonna run through the route tonight. don't worry about it, pal. you ever played the wire, curly? all right, curly, you're in. we got a rack of suits over there. get yourself a nice tweed one. you the duff that didn't come up with his end when little jeff was sent up? he was a con man, wasn't he? shove off, duff. you played for any particular mobs? you know the wire at all? you get that nose in duke boudreau's tonight? you got moxie, eirie. get yourself a suit. bluenote at 6 to 1 on the nose. all right, when? okay, tootsie. excuse me. we're here to paint mr. harmon's office. we'll try and hurry so we don't keep you out of your office too long. hour or two at the most. we do good work. what the hell's the matter with you. we coulda met at a club or somethin'. well we can't talk in here. they're having the place painted. miss barnes, i'm going home a little early today. tell anyone that calls that they can reach me here in the morning. thank you. can't do it. there're telegraph inspectors all over the place. i got 750 grand coming in from the coast, and i'm not gonna blow it for a lousy 14 gees. we'll get somebody else to do our betting. but who says you will. i got a guy i can depend on. he's liquidating everything he has for this. you wouldn't even give carver his money back. on a 6-1 shot? the hell with ya. we'll keep the deal we got. we were getting 50 from our guy. yeh, and what if we play tomorrow and he doesn't come up with the money. we risk our whole operation for nothing. i'll say when we make our bets. all right. be at the booth at 1:00. i'll give you all three places this time, lonnegan. that better be proof enough. sorry, but i just couldn't wait. did everything go all right? on the nose! i said place. place it on syphon. that horse is going to run second.