tom strides into the living room. their house is small, crowded with kids' toys and furniture they got for their wedding. tom paces back and forth, holding his head in his hands. he turns and bolts into the kitchen. friday night. tom the porch, about fif answers the front door. a girl stands on teen years old, heavyish wearing a ti , ht pair -3f blue jean s an d a brown leather j neck. a dull zipped u to g the strea1. of butt yellow ribbon runs through a her chair likepa er. tom and maggie step back into the living room and head for the front door. the mom ent tom lays eyes on dorothy, the buzzing sound returns, loude r this time. tom unlocks the door and bursts inside. close on a torn off piece of notebook paper with an address and a time scribbled on it. the word "cacophony" is legible. maggie picks it up, stares at it for a moment, then hands it to tom, who is by the front door, zipping his jacket. he takes it and shoves it in his pocket. he's nervous. they both are. she smooths his jacket. he turns to go, but she tightens her grip on his jacket. doesn't want to let him go. tom crawls over to maggie and grabs hold of her, putting himself between her and harry, who still has the gun. over at the fireplace, kurt damon pulls the poker out of its holder. harry aims the gun. kurt lunges forward with the poker.