can you learn another word? look at him. why doesn't he just lick them when they walk by? they change, maggie. ten or so years of marriage, a kid or two -- they become a different human being. oh, frank would love that. no. i want him out. i like that house. almost fifteen years. yeah, kinda, name rings a bell. is on the same subject. she was always hanging around the guys, you know, she wanted to be with the "in" clique and everything. there wasn't much chance of that. keeps talking to maggie. she was a pretty girl, but real shy. pretty simple. she had these crazy ideas she could be an actress, you know. she thought she was gonna be a big movie star. i mean, there was no way, but you couldn't tell her that. i thought it was kind of sad. it can't ever just be nice. someone's always got to ruin it.