well, i was walking in the night, and i saw nothing scary. for i have never been afraid of anything. not very. i was deep within the woods when, suddenly, i spied them. i saw a pair of pale green pants with nobody inside them! i wasn't scared. but, yet, i stopped. what could those pants be there for? what could a pair of pants at night be standing in the air for? maggie leans in the doorway and whispers. `bout a million to one. depends. how big you like `em? the hot engine of a yellow trans-am fires up in the driveway of the house across the street. it backs into the street, its passenger door hanging open. the driver honks the horn and a seventeen year old kid runs out of another house and jumps into the moving vehicle. they take off. the homeless guy berates them, shaking his fist. they reach the steps of the house next door. party noise comes from within, shadows move in the windows. tom swings maggie around, puts her on the step, wraps his arms around her, and kisses her. great kiss. it goes on. sure. i don't know, i just found out about this. seven years, and i've still never been to a party where you weren't the one i wanted to hang with. she smiles, melted, and they part. tom joins the men. bobby, vanessa's husband, an athletic-looking guy holding a sleeping three-year-old on his shoulder, talks with frank mccarthy, fortyish, big irish drinker, and harry damon, who is also older than the rest. alive on the planet. harry. actually, i'm drillin' holes in all the floors, harry. well, i grew up about a mile from here, it ain't like a foreign country. what the hell? i'll try anything once. damn fine lookin' finger. laughter. can you clean out the nail, it's kinda makin' me sick here. philip raises two fingers and jabs tom in the eyes. tom hey, what the fuck? asshole. poke me again you son of a batch and i'll clock you, i swear to go'. yeah. i want to be fuckin' hypnotized, already. didn't work, huh? all six faces burst out laughing, a great nervous tension released. somebody turns the lights back on, somebody else hits the music. tom what? more laughter. philip seems very pleased with himself. maggie comes and sits on the arm of the chair next to tom, puts her hand on his face. did somethin' happen? people start talking, all at once. what are you talking about? how am i supposed to feel? what'd you do to me? that happened? hey, thanks a lot, it was very nice of you not to burn my flesh. who? what? not time for what? aright, somebody else go. come on, let's go, somebody else, right now. nobody? well, then i guess the party's over, ain't it? let's go. come on, let's go home. you know, i don't think so, because i'll tell you something, it's a very nasty feeling to know somebody's been fuckin' around in your head for everybody else's amusement, you know? i mean, joey ariola, christ, i haven't thought about him in maybe ten years, and -- come on, man, somebody else has gotta go. don't make me be the only- i. have no idea. even more laughter, now everybody's slapping him on the back. tom nods, "yeah, yeah, laugh it up." any other surprises you left in my head, you fuckin' dead man, you? two kids. i'm only twenty-six. how did this happen? she slides one hand down, under the covers. no, i now how it happened, i'm just sayin'. you're gonna have to stop work, at least for a while. i'll be workin' saturdays for at least another year, maybe two. how many times i gotta ask harry to fix that? he said he fixed this place up, so how come the roof leaks every time it rains? maggie, you don't think, i mean, ten, twelve years from now. i don't want you to think i'm gonna be a line man forever, you know, like frank or somethin'. i'm smarter than that, i know i am. i'm smarter than philip, christ, six years in college, he's still got his head up his ass. i just want you to know, this ain't where i plan to stop. she licks his ear. he closes his eyes. tom all my life, i feel like there's something better inside me, it's trying like hell to get out and it's like x won't let it. she rolls on top of him and whispers. the fuck, man? he puts his hands to the side of his head. it hurts. a lot. maggie stirs, but doesn't wake up. tom gets up and walks out. as he passes jake's room, he does a double take. what?! she repeats, but he can only see her lips moving, the words are lost under the static. realizing, tom turns hurriedly toward the tv and hits the mute switch. when he turns back -- -- the woman is gone. he stands in the middle of the room, looking all around him. but he's alone. maybe. i was awake, i know that. she nods, thinking, no idea how to deal with this. you know, she didn't menti. -in it. positive. i had this headache like you wouldn't believe, and i was thirsty as hell. yeah, i'll call him. but i don't think he's got a fuckin' clue in life. from the living room, jake laughs uproariously at something on the tv. i don't need brain surgery, i just had a weird thing happen, that's all. like a hypnosis hangover. one-time deal, don't worry about it. maggie. i promise. jesus, you guys scared the shit out of me! the kid with adam doesn't seem embarrassed, he just reaches for the football. tom beats him to it. tom you gotta play right here in the middle of the street? frank is out of his house now, approaching the truck. he wears the same uniform shirt as tom, carries a tool belt over his shoulder. aw man, it's dented. this ain't even my truck. they're gonna dock me for this. hell of an arm ya got there. kurt smiles and shrugs. tom tosses the ball back to him. kurt turns and catches it behind his back as he walks away. bound to happen some time. yeah, i'm comin', i'm comin' harry hey, tom! tom turns. harry damon, the guy from across the street, is headed toward him. but tom notices something behind harry. a police car has turned onto the block and is rolling to a stop. it's still two days yet, isn't it? tom looks more closely at the cop. he realizes the cop isn't looking at him, he's looking past him, toward tom's house. phil, it's tom. is there anything else important you said to me last night, while i was under? other than the shoe thing, what else did you say to me? phil, i gotta get back to work, was there anything else you told me to do after i came out of it? post-hypnotic suggestion, i know what it's called, phil. did you leave any others behind when you were kickin' your big, clumsy-ass feet around inside my brain? tell me the truth, phil! what thing? what thing? in general, what was it? yeah, i'd say that about describes it. never mind, it's gone now. i gotta go. 'whir don't you, uh. why don't you mak%- yourself comfortable. take off your coat. without looking at him, dorothy obediently unzips her jacket and takes it off. her b reasts are fuller than one would expect at her age. she l ooks up at tom, and now there's defiance in her eyes. wh at are you lookin' at? tom excuse me. he goes upstairs. where did you find dorothy? too much caffeine, that's all. he pops them in his mouth and swallows them dry. tom let's qo, yeah, `bout that. they round a corner. just ahead, a high school football field is surrounded by bright lights, mobbed with students and parents. a band plays on the field, it's just about time for kickoff. sf"s taxing bim awway! oh, no. he bounds up the steps and tries the door. it's locked. he fumbles in his pockets for the keys. jake?! no answer. he races up the stairs. she took him. she took him, he's not there, she took she can't be that far! he runs to the corner, desperate, and looks up and down the street in both directions. there are a lot of people out, she could be anywhere. wait right here, keep your eyes open! he opens the door and goes inside. give him to me. she shakes her head no. outside, a siren whines and a police car flashes past the window, its red lights spinning. they both hear it and glance over, then look back at each other. tom raises an eyebrow. she knows what he means. tom give him to me, dorothy. trembling, dorothy reaches out, jake in her arms. tom gently takes the boy from her and holds him tight. the front door flies open and maggie races inside. tom gives jake over to her. take him home! i'll be there as soon as i can! he runs after dorothy. sit up. sit up, i want to talk to you. she manages to drag herself into a sitting position. she shoves back, against the wheel of a bus. beyond them, the bus that nearly hit her stops on the far side of the lot. dorothy is quivering, still crying. tom squats in front of her, a few feet away. tom why were you taking my son? do you want me to call the police? then tell me why you took him. why do you say that? jake said that? what else did he say? where were you taking him? you too? why aren't you safe here? she doesn't answer. the driver is coming over to them, still who is he?! she just looks at him, frightened. he shakes her, violently. tom are you duane? she's a little girl, you son of a bitch! she' s fifteen years old, and you fucked her!? what the hell is the matter with you?! you don't do shit get out! he hurls duane toward the stairs. duane crunches down hard. before he can get up, tom hauls him to his feet and hurls him furthe: up. he's kicking duane's ass up the stairs. at the +,)ttom, dorothy watches, her hands over her mouth. she's thrilled. you got ten minutes. pack your shit. you don't leave a note, you don't try to call, and if you ever, ever come back here again, i'll know, i'll find you, and i'll stick this so far into you they'll never get it out. you got it? duane nods, terrified. i'll stay until he's gone. upstairs, dresser drawers slam, duane curses. he's packing. tom shouldn't be long. tell your mother i'll pay for this. who is this woman? did she have a black dress, kind of a diamond pattern on it? she wore a lot of bracelets, those thick ones, different colors, all up and down her arms? where is she? can i talk to her? why not? where did she go? what's your sister's name, dorothy? that's what she said. dorothy said she ran away about six months ago. if she was, she's very quick getting in and out of a room. on the cushion right next to you. maggie looks down at the empty half of the couch, freaked out. she pulls in closer to him. it's hard to explain. i just got this -- feeling. a little bit. but a hundred times stronger. like you wouldn't believe. fecls like my brain is tearing in half. why do you assume it's bad? maybe this is a good thing. i told you there was somethin' in me. maybe it's comin' out. just roll with it. what's the worst that can happen? well, yeah, that. hey, know what? it is a girl. she furrows her brow, "how do you know?", then follows his gaze down to her belly, where his hand is resting. no. huh? no. no. no thanks. only in, like, really small spaces. (she looks at him, straight do we really gotta do this? how's it work? elizabeth goes to a computer terminal and types in some commands. can i have another valium? that would be bad? she smiles and nods. the other nurse puts a white cloth over his hair. kinda hot in the coffin. elizabeth's voice comes blaring out of speakers mounted on either side of the tunnel. yo, hey, hey, woah, i'm right here. can you turn it down a little bit? great. there's nothing wrong with me, i gotta get back to work. thank you for everything, elizabeth, i owe you a giant one, hey, you think i can get some of that valium to go? elizabeth scowls at him. tom worth a try. take care, say hi to michael. i'll pick up jake, i told him i'd take him to the pier tonight. he heads for the door, eager to get the hell out of there. maggie lingers, looking at elizabeth, hopeful. woah, check it out. he stops, helps jake down off his shoulders. jake presses right up against the glass, staring at the train as it circles the track. tom squats, admiring it with him. hey, look at that one! he carries jake to the next window over, a different display. the cop wanders closer. tom finally turns to him, tense. tom how ya doin'? is there a law against lookin' in the window now? that's great. see ya later. he sweeps jake up onto one hip and starts to walk away. what? the cop smiles and makes a face -- "you heard me." jake? mommy's asking you a question. nothing. she's downstairs. he sits up. his head is killing him again. there's a glass of water on the night table. le grabs it and drinks greedily. he turns and looks to the open -loorway. he swallows. he stands up. he looks down at maggie, who's still sound asleep. he walks to the door. maggie stirs, feeling him gone. samantha? she speaks, but when her voice comes out it's horrible and distorted -- muffled in a strange way. he takes a few trembling steps down the stairs, closer to her. she walks forward a step or two. she speaks again, louder, but the voice is still unintelligible and bizarre. tom reaches the bottom of the stairs. she reaches out a hand. he stares, terrified. the hand draws closer. almost beyond his own control, tom raises his own hand. she comes closer. tom is frozen at the bottom of the stairs. their hands draw closer still. their fingertips touch. i think we better find out. you know you're under surveillance here. he gestures to sheila, frank's wife, who's about ten feet away, keeping an angry eye on him. sure, great, just don't be surprised if some day sheila digs out your 38 and buries a slug or two in your ass. spider doesn't fuck around on her. so you've been in this neighborhood a long time, right? oh, dorothy baby-sits for us sometimes and she started talking about her sister, wonderin' how she was doing and stuff. i promised her i'd ask around, see if anybody'd heard anything from her. )id she ever live in that house we're .n? frank comes up, one arm around his son adam. okay. got it. i give up, frank. hey, adam, way to go, man. well, if you hear anything about her, lemme know, okay? she was almost your age, adam. you know anything about her? adam doesn't answer right away. they all look at him. oh, man. he sits up, painfully. a beam of sunlight cuts him right across the eyes. frank? what are you doing here? frank looks up at him. his face is sad. why did you say that, frank? hi. sure. adam pulls his arm around from behind his back. he's holding a 38 with a carved white handle. oh, don't do that. adam pulls the trigger. tom screams as adam collapses to the floor, blood pouring from his chest. his body convulses -- oh, man. he sits up, painfully. a beam of sunlight cuts him right across the eyes. please don't be under there. he bends down, lifts the blanket, and looks under the bed. there's his shoe. tom shit. he grabs it. uh. frank? but frank's not on the porch either. tom steps outside. oh, god. oh, god, no! tom picks up a porch chair and heaves it through the window. oh, god, no, jesus, no, please. he grabs a blanket off a chair nearby, presses it to adam's chest, trying to stop the bleeding. tom this is really happening, it's really happening. we need some answers, right? maybe they're the only ones who have any. she nods. thinking of something, she picks up her car keys from the table by the door and pulls something off the ring. thank you. listen, is, uh -- vivian gives another plate to a man sitting next to tom, herman, in his seventies, in a wheelchair, an oxygen tube running into his nostrils. tom is there a guy named neil here? he's a cop? excuse me? irritated, herman gestures for him to lean closer. tom does. i don't. i'm sorry, i don't under- herman wraps his bony fingers around tom's wrist. does everybody here -- see things, like me? are we the only ones? what about my son? wright, if there's all these people who got this power, why doesn't everybody know about it? why isn't it common knowledge? this all started when i was hypnotized. is that how it always is? so it does go away. what does what want me to do? why do you assume she wants something? why me? what do you mean? she can, it can make me do something i don't want to do? what if i stop me? what if i just don't do it? i want you to hypnotize me again. do it. would you just get to it, please? there's someone in here. there's someone else here. hard to breathe couldn't breathe. plastic, like sheets of plastic. he shoves philip out of the way, finds the refrigerator on the other side of the room. he rips it open, searches for something to drink. philip follows him. she told me what she wants. you scared me. and with that, he turns back to the job. swing. crunch. i'm supposed to dig. i'm supposed to dig. water softens up the dirt. he tosses the hose aside and grabs a shovel. he jumps back in the hole and starts to dig. what don' t you get? i'm supposed to dig. , i'm searching. the question isn't "what." we both know very well "what," even if we don't want to may it out loud. the question, maggie, which, as you can plainly see, i am very busy trying to answer -- the question is "where?" and tell them what, exactly? run it by me once. practice, see how it sounds. anything else? this is just fucking typical, isn't it? he climbs out of the hole and walks toward her. tom what do you want me to do, maggie, you want me to go inside, sit down in front of the tv, drink eight or nine beers till i fall asleep in the chair? like that? maybe repeat the whole thing tomorrow and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after and the day after- -until i grab my chest-and die?! may )e i was already dead! this is the mos. important thing that's ever happ€ned to me, the most important thins i've ever done in my life, maggie, my whole stupid life, and you want me to just stop?! by the and of his tirade, two neighbors are staring over the back fence. he's only a few feet from maggie now, the veins in his neck standing out. she holds her ground. interruptions! he picks up his tee shirt, snakes angrily into it, and marches across the yard toward the house. tom what are you lookin' at? you gonna drink that? she doesn't answer. he takes her glass, drinks some. tom i'm sorry. no answer. tom okay, i'm not sorry. she ignores him. he looks at the letter in her hands. tom who's that from? nothing. they stare at each other. tom's face is pale. maggie is concerned. the phone rings. maggie stares at tom. the phone rings again. she lowers her voice, pleading. when's the funeral? we? she stiffens. tom oh, you, uh. you want me to go with you? she looks at him, deeply hurt. then enraged. she pushes him away from her, hard. he stumbles back into the yard. i'm just. kind of in the middle of something here. she looks at him, absolutely incredulous -- -- and then storms back into the house, slamming the door so hard two of the glass panes spiderweb. come on! tom curses and trudges back toward the house. how's he doin'? frank shrugs. can't talk much. frank, i'm sorry. i'm sorry because. i think i know why adam shot himself. and i have to call the police about it. but i don't want you to hear it from them, i don't want sheila to read it in the paper. you have the right to know before anybody else. come with me. he nods toward his own house. frank stares at him, frightened, but what could possibly be worse than what's already happened? does it matter? it was. no, it doesn't. he bends down and lifts samantha's lifeless hand. he pries open her fingers. she's clutching a tuft of hair. tom but this probably will. frank stares for a long moment, struck dumb. finally, he turns his back. his shoulders heave as he cries, silently. frank, we have to- who you planning to shoot with that? i think you haven't decided yet. he's right, and frank knows it. what are you gonna do, frank? frank raises the gun, in a fury. frank, i won't go until you- frank aims the gun just to the left of tom's head and pulls the trigger. the bullet cracks off the ladder. you. okay? maggie nods, shaking. tom you saved me. baby, i'm alive be;ause of you. they hold each other. i thought so, frank. i sure as hell always thought so. so you're the one that's been kicking my wife! the baby sees tom's blurry face. jake steps up, onto a step stool, so he can see over the edge of the bed. 117: sometimes. with my toys. he looks up, but we're close in on him and can't see who he's looking at. jake my. blue sword. no! the one with the gray tape around the middle. that one. he lands the airplane on the water. he giggles. jake that's silly. maggie jake? you all right in there? my daddy, but he doesn't know about it yet. he brings the airplane in for a careful water landing and lets go of it. he looks up. be quiet. look at it. keep looking at it. don't look at anything else, just my finger. huh? jake? the little boy doesn't answer. tom walks slowly over to the boy and squats down in front of him, putting his arms on the boy's shoulders. tom are you okay? jake just looks at tom, straight into his father's eyes. the boy's face lights up in a wide smile. he reaches out with one hand and rests his fingertips on tom's forehead. well, my checkbook's inside. according to tom, the average guy carries around a hard-on two and a half hours out of every day. what are you gonna do? i've got a few ideas. a middle-aged woman walks past and frank gives her the big crank-around. sheila look at that! he's not even picky. i swear to god, that man will stick it in a bowl of soup if it's still warm. maggie notices tom, up ahead, with a hand to his temple. she catches up. d16 - - ¿½ --- . - - a86i - - - .err- r - - - - ab a. ter. s from over by baldwin? do you remember the -- come over here ! he gestures. kurt drags himself off the hood and saunters over. harry do you remember that muller girl? - - - ambb. - - - - - nft - & a r- thanks. no, "the." who are you guys? buncha freaks, huh? i can't breathe! i've known you since i'm nineteen years old, you never talked to me like that before. not one time. he stares at her, furious -- -- and then jumps in the hole and starts digging again. maggie turns and stalks across the yard and into the house. tom keeps digging for a moment, then hurls the shovel across the yard. no, sh- he stops himself. she looks at him. well, of course! i don't see anybody else around! we start up the steps of the porch. kurt smiles, beguilingly, and holds a hand out to us. come on, let's be friends.