maybe he's gay. what if he is? he's vegetarian, doesn't do sports. i don't care is he's gay. i'm cool. i mean, it's not like i have to share his room or anything. what? man, i am out of here! this family is so fucked! i'll talk to you later, man! we're studying the holocaust in social studies. well, i'm supposed to watch schindler's list for homework. the movie's like almost four hours. and then i'm supposed to write a report on survivors. you know any survivors, dad? he was in a concentration camp? but i thought he came over to america before the war. even though it was only his cousins that were killed? not really. he's kind of a wuss. hey, how come you drive such a shitty car? yeah. hey. there's something i need to talk about with you. there are some rumors. you know. stanley. and like, don't take this the wrong way. i mean, i'm cool. but. you know. i've got a good reputation at school and, well. i really don't want it ruined. thanks, scoob.