scooby! dinner! i don't know what's wrong with that kid. don't ever say that. he isn't. brady! i just want to know what the hell he's doing in his room that's so interesting he doesn't come down for dinner. i'm going in there. steak's really good tonight. whaddya mean you don't know? you either got a lot or you don't. what's not to know? you started filling out your college applications yet? what do you know? out! leave the table! you heard me: leave the table! yeah, well, mikey, listen up. cause here's a lesson: life's not fair. so? how was school today? the same. same as what? oh, yeah? hmmm. do i know any. personally? get the hell outta here! which is it? you gotta keep your focus straight. and you want scooby to be the focus of all this? oh, well, i don't have them yet, but – either scooby is the focus, or forget it. reconceive. not to be crass, but what do we get out of this? yeah. how do we know we won't be exploited? scooby? we have to talk. don't screw around with me. you know what i'm talking about. you're taking those sats. you're taking those sats or your cd collection is history. you're taking those sats and you're going to college. you're taking those sats if i have to strap your ass to a chair, but buddy your taking them. tired of this shit. i'm so sorry! i should never have made you take the sats! we're not the ones who need the help. my son needs help. my son's in there! he can't even feed himself, he can't eat – i don't even know if he's going to be a vegetable or not, for chrissake! one in a million recover. mikey, there's optimism, and then there's stupidity. it's a very fine line. thanks. yeah. sure go ahead. hypnotize me. hey, mikey. you wanna get some ice cream? we used pull. i have a cousin. very big giver to the alumni fund. look, we're not suckers. everyone else is out there doing the same thing. hey, mikey! come here, give me a hug! yeah, uh, listen. why don't you go upstairs and keep your mom and brady company for a bit? i need to speak alone with consuelo for a moment. consuelo. mrs. livingston and i have discussed this, and we've come to the conclusion that we are not very happy with your work lately, so we're going to let you go. we've been happy with you in the past, but now we think maybe it's time for a change…uh…i know you've had trouble at home and maybe, you know, some of that is reflected i your work… i understand, i understand that, and i'm sorry it had to end this way. i think scooby's like a lot of kids. he just hit a…a speed bump. now he's gonna find his way, his path is gonna be cleared, and i think he's gonna continue his education at a good college. and everybody else is gonna be happy. i don't know why this is so hard for you to comprehend. i had a terrific time in college. i've got a terrific job, a comfortable salary, terrific wife, three terrific kids…and every year i give to the alumni fund. now why are you trying to make college out to be a bad thing, a negative experience? you were unhappy? well, to bad! get over it! stop trying to impose your misery on others by going around saying, 'life is bad, life is horrible.' life is tough on you? well, boo hoo! sure!. snug as a bug in a rug. yeah, here you go, pal. all righty. you're monster-proofed!