gay people are people too, you know. you're just being prejudiced. maybe he's building a bomb. just like-! i'm serious! what happens if he blows up the school? mom, it's not fair if brady can say the f-word and i can't. consuelo? do you have any brothers or sisters? really? how many? wow. why did your parents have so many children? i mean, if they were poor, wouldn't it be better to have just one or two? but do you really believe in god? and heaven, hell and angels and all kind of stuff? or me? i wanna be the focus. twinkeys! mom? i was looking through scooby's sats practice books this afternoon and i took one of the practice tests. guess what score i got? 550 verbal, 520 math. and i'm only in fifth grade! when i'm in high school i'm not going to play any football. i'm just going to concentrate on class rank. what did you do in high school? weren't there high schools in el salvador? must've been hard being poor. hmmm. but, consuelo, even though your poor, don't you have any hobbies or interests or anything? but like, what do you like to do when you're not working? but when you're not. like now. what do you like to do? but it's not like real work. this is just babysitting. you know, your job's really not so bad, if you think about it. you should smile more often. consuelo! i spilled some grape juice on the floor!…consuelo?! consuelo? consuelo. are you crying? yes, you are. i can tell. what's the matter? speak english. consuelo, i'm sorry, but you know if you don't speak english i can't understand you. who is jesus? you have a bay? gee, i didn't even know you had any children. but why are you so upset about jesus? oh. how did it happen? how did they execute him? maybe it's for the best…i mean, if he was guilty of doing something wrong…people who are bad should be killed. don't you think so? maybe he was and you just didn't know it. but still, you can't be sure. but really, you never know. why was he on death row? consuelo, what is rape exactly? sometimes i feel like my parents don't love me. consuelo? i spilled some grape juice upstairs. do you think you could clean up the floor now? dad?…do you think that brady will ever get better? maybe he's that one in a million! i don't think there's any hope, either. i was just trying to make you feel better. you're welcome. dad?…would you let me try hypnotizing you now? ok. stay there. i'll be right back. just a sec!…be right there! dad, can you turn around a bit, please? thanks. all right. now you must look at this shiny object and concentrate. relax your legs. relax your arms. relax your shoulders. now keep your eyes on the shiny object…your eyelids are getting heavy…heavier…you're getting sleepy…sleepier…now let your eyes close shut…and you are asleep. now you are completely under my power. i am the only voice you can hear, the only voice you will listen to. now. when you wake up you will be in a good mood. you won't worry so much about brady. and i will be your favorite from now on. if brady dies, you can be sad for a little bit, but i will still be the most important person in your life. you will never be mean to me, and always give me whatever i want. also, you should fire consuelo. she's lazy. now when i snap my fingers, you will remember nothing, but you will do everything i have asked. one. two. three. ok! gin! i win! let's play again! hi, dad! gee, you're home early! sure, dad. mom? dad? can i sleep with you? i'm scared.