no, not really. no. i hate reading. i dunno. well, i mean. i wanna be on tv. maybe have a talk show or something. like conan. or early letterman. i dunno. see if i have any connections. fuck! was anyone in my room today? my cd case like totally collapsed. i'm gonna have to recatalogue all weekend. hey. can you pass the salad over. good. i dunno. i'm not going to college. i dunno. dad, i'm trying to figure things out right now, ok? it's like, really hard, and i'm just listening to some old elton john and. the same. just the same. we did the same thing last year also. you mean, then, we're all survivors? but then, in a sense, since you would never have met dad if your family had stayed in europe. if it weren't for hitler, none of us would have been born. man, it's just, like, conversation. you a pervert? oh. you mean, like, blair witch project? what for? is this to like get into sundance? doubt it. whoopee. so you have connections. yeah, i thought i was the focus. fine. what's tomorrow? i'm not taking them. yeah? whaddya wanna talk about? pretty cool, stanley. how'd you get it? gee, your dad's smart. is it loaded? i'm not an idiot, man. i watch tv. you should be. here. you can keep it. yeah? yeah. i know. ok. if you feel like it. just give me a second. you want some? conan o'brien? whoa! what are you doing here? i'll be your guest! cool! thank you. great to be here. well, i was thinking. i might work for you. be your sidekick, you know, and maybe eventually become a tv talk- show host. yeah? hey. what's up? what? like what? oh. no prob. i'm cool. so like, yeah…i caved in. i mean, i had to. my parents, they're like …still really depressed about brady. so i wrote the bullshit essay. filled out the applications, did the interviews…y'know, i figure i can always drop out. prnceton. 200 verbal. 710 math. kinda weird, i know. but i think they thought it was, like, good-weird. hey, um, toby? i was wondering…is the documentary almost finished? can i see what you have so far? thanks man. hi. i…uh. i'm trying to reach toby oxman? ok…um…thanks. hey, uh, mike. is toby here? oh. do you have any idea where he might be? well, yeah, my dad is kind of a goofball. i just have to pretend to go along with his ideas. 'cause he really doesn't get it: like i could be the next oprah, for all he knows, but he's never even seen the show. i dunno. i'd like to be good at something. it doesn't have to be tv. i mean, it could be movies. anything. i'd be willing to direct. but i'd like to be, you know. famous. not necessarily a superstar, just famous. be recognized. get fan mail. things. he did? oh. Don't be. Your movie's a hit.