huh? you mean, again? oh. what happens now? well then, maybe you should just read the ending. i think you should leave it the way it was. it was good. you'll read it in class tomorrow. surprise me. anyway, i have to go. i promised melinda i'd help her with her oral. marcus, i'm tired. that's all. i was never much of a sweater. you know that. marcus, wait up! don't be so upset. it's ok. you know he hated my story also. marcus. you'll write something better next time! that's not fair! i was honest! just because i wasn't sucking up like that bitch catherine. i admit it - i was scared! i was shocked, in fact , by what he said. and he's so. convincing. i'm sorry if i let you down, but really, i still say he's just one opinion. i don't even like his books that much. they're all so aggressively confrontational. i don't care if he's won the pulitzer prize. but marcus! you can't just unilaterally decide to end things. this is a relationship we're talking about! a friendship! you don't just. fuck you! yes. i'm ok. i'm totally ok. i know that. fucking cripple. why do i waste my time with undergrads? they're all so. juvenile! uch! i just thought marcus would be different. i mean he's got cp! i dunno. go to a bar. get laid. whatever. don't worry about me. i'll be fine. can i have a beer? what are you doing here? i'm sorry. i didn't mean, i just didn't expect to run into you here, that's all. yeah, um, then. are you alone? can i join you? good. 'cause i. um. i really agreed with everything you had to say last week about how bad my story was. and i also agreed with what you said today about marcus's story. it is a piece of shit. thank you. so catherine seems like she might become a really good writer. aren't you going out with catherine? i'm sorry. it's none of my business. i didn't mean. oh. do you think i have a potential as a writer? thank you for being honest. i have so much respect for you. can i just freshen up for a second? thanks. don't be a racist. don't be a racist. don't be a racist. it's a really nice place you have. is the rent high? oh, bu. uh. i can't say that. ni. gger. nigger. fuck me hard! nigger, fuck me hard! nigger, fuck me hard!!. nigger, fuck me hard!!!. can i come in? '. so john flipped her around and slammed her against the wall. jane braced herself: she thought about her mother. she thought about peter. she thought about god. and rape. ''say, 'fuck me, nigger. fuck me hard.''' john's flesh abraded her soft skin. there would be marks. she acquiesced, and said what he asked her to say, and did what he asked her to do. she had entered college with hope, with dignity, but she would graduate as a whore.' but it happened!