hey, you going to watch or you going to do? i love your eyes, lenny. i love the way they see. i feel like you're turning me into a i don't feel anything. is it on? make me forget it, baby. cut it out, tran. i don't think that's a good idea, lenny. we have nothing to talk about, lenny. no, lenny. leave him alone, tran. you're too goddamned paranoid. i know. lenny, if tran finds you talking to me he'll hurt you. you have to go. i mean it. you talked to iris? when? well i haven't seen her in months. who knows what's going on in her head. you're really running out of excuses to come around, aren't you? let it alone, lenny. it'll take care of itself. that's a good one, coming from you. he has his uses too. maybe. damn right. you have to get out of here. if tran catches you he'll. he's acting crazy. he's doing way too much playback and he's getting completely paranoid. he's such a control freak, he's even paying max to follow me around. yeah, for about a month now. lenny, just stay away from tran, okay? and stay away from me. stop trying to rescue me. those days are over. i'm a big girl now. stop trying to save me, okay, because i don't need saving. just. give up on me. you know one of the ways movies still have squid beat? because they always say "the end." you always know when it's over. it's over! now please leave. i have to go on again in a couple of minutes. hell. you're crazier than i thought, lenny. coming here. tran's just in there. who did it? then what? then what, lenny?! you going to protect me? big tough guy. you're a talker, lenny. you don't even have a gun. you don't know what you're fucking with here. look, tran. lenny just came by to give me some bad news. an old friend of mine has been murdered. you remember iris? i made my choice, lenny. i don't love you, lenny. give up. you said you were going to get her out of this. he doesn't know what's going on. leave him alone. fuck you. lenny! jesus! you scared the hell out of me. what's going on? oh god, lenny. i was trying to keep you out of this. we should talk alone. tran's gotten obsesses with playback, a total wiretrip junkie. and he's such a control freak, he's been having people followed, videotaped. recording his business partners' calls. wiring up people left and right. tran and jeriko weren't getting along. he was afraid jeriko was getting ready to dump him, but he wasn't sure, so he started with the surveillance. a couple nights ago he wires up iris and sends her and the other girl, diamanda, over to jeriko's table. that night iris calls up, freaking. she comes over and tran watches the tape. he just loses it. he can't believe the disaster she's gotten him into. he's terrified the cops will beat it out of her who she was working for, and come looking for him. the scandal would wipe him out. if it got out that he had his own artists under surveillance. he'd lose all his other acts. he'd be over. so finally he gives iris some cash and tells her to check into the hotel under a wrong name till he figures out what to do. you think tran killed her? what a nightmare. okay, lenny. my guardian angel. well, i'm certainly in the mood for a party. i live for the moment. oh. i didn't hear you come in. i love you. oh my god. i don't believe this is happening. what're you going to do? you can't just. kill him. jesus. my god. 'so, do you enjoy watching me?' i know. i don't always do exactly what i'm told. so i said, 'do you enjoy watching me?' and you said -- come on max. uh huh. and i said, 'that's good, because i like the feeling of someone watching me. i acquired the taste from lenny.' 'we might as well make the best of it.' lenny!!