shit. fuckin' five-o goddamn, now what you pull me over for? if i was going any slower i'd be parked-- i suppose you stopped us cause you had suspects fitting our description in the area, what you're gonna tell me. what was the description? two black males in a car? yeah, right, i heard that one before. well you stopped the wrong black male tonight officer. what is it? spreg. officer spreg. cause i'm the 800 pound gorilla in your mist, fucker. i make more in a day than you make in a year, and my lawyers love to spend my money dragging sorry-ass aryan robocops like you into court. get a man down on the ground with no probable cause. fuck you! that's right. and you're gonna be in my next song, motherfucker, it's called robo-spreg. it's a song about a cop who meets his worst nightmare, a nigger with enough political juice to crush his ass like a stink bug. you're gonna be famous.