this is great. the doors are all locked. who are these losers, friends of yours? wow. the gas tank is a nice touch. oh, oh, end of the line boys. goddamnit! you know i don't deal in snuff. how many times i hafta tell you?! well you could've at least warned me. you know i hate the zap. when they die. it just brings down your whole day. jeez, tick. how'd you get the tape? why didn't the cops put it in evidence? yeah, but how'd it get to you? tick. not to dash your hopes, but i don't deal this kind of product, you know that. i'll give you four for it, cause i've gotta cut off the last bit. and my customers want uncut. i don't deal black-jack clips! it's policy. i got ethics here. so lay it off to somebody else. yeah, well, the first part's okay. better than the usual soaps you bring me. sure, like this low-grade shit here, some girl in a fight with her boyfriend. it's a test-pattern. nothing happens. i'm snorin'. i said that? look, i'll take it for five, and you'll make out okay, because in this case it's pure cream, you don't have to cut anything back to the wearer. what else you got? look, jerr. i'm nothing if not a man of my word. i'll drop the money by tomorrow, next day latest. it's a little crazed right now. yeah, on my mother's eyes, i swear. thanks, buddy. prick. what kinda move you call that?! lemmings. jimbo. i'm there, jimmy. right now, can't you hear me knockin'? -- so you line up the talent, shoot the clip, get it to me by monday. ok? client wants a guy and two girls, the guy wears. yeah, i know, thinks he's being original. girls have to be young. so don't use your mother like you usually do. yeah, you too, pendejo. and no big tits. french tits. that's it. like champagne glasses. you got it. what a pro. page me. i live here. i just got something in, bobby, you might appreciate. a 211 at a thai joint goes south, and these three scuzzballs end up in a gun-and-run. it's a beauty, two thumbs up. parental discretion advised. i'm talking it's the master, not some stepped-on copy. one of a kind. yo, skinner. the skin man. red leather. nice feminine touch. whattya got for me? yeah, i can use this. . but honey you gotta move your eyes slower next time. it's too jerky. hi, dave, this is lenny. nero. lenny nero. that's right. oh, is it late? sorry. it's just that i have something that might be of interest, and since i always call you first-- uh, huh. well, what would be a good time? okay, sure. catch you then. okay, let's get you wired up. i hope this axle grease you got in your hair doesn't screw up the squid receptors. superconducting quantum interference device. squid. got it? there's gonna be a test. easy, eduardo, easy. preserve a sense of humor at all times. okay, the receptor rig. what i'm putting on your head. sends a signal to the recorder. see we call it "being wired," but there's no wire. you gotta keep the recorder close. five, six feet away max, like in your jacket pocket by the bed or wherever you're going to close escrow, know what i mean? some tips. don't dart your eyes around. don't look in the mirror or you'll id yourself. ok? you got a half hour of tape, so give me some lead-in to the main event. but don't wait too long, i don't want to be going out for popcorn. and don't act natural. don't act at all. just forget the thing is on. got it? a star is born. watch and see. you know i can get you anything you want, anytime you want it, just not right now. we'll hook up at the club later. around eleven. yeah. anything without an umbrella. looks like money to me. 10 percent, fabri, like always. just a second. not to be rude, keith, but i got to ask, are you a cop? you understand? attorney! right? am i right? tassel shoes. entertainment law, would be my guess. relax. i just like to guess, is all. it's my job to know people and what they want. what's behind their eyes. that's right. my second question i gotta ask, so we get our bearings here. have you ever jacket in? have you ever wiretripped? a virgin brain! well we're going to start you off right. so what do you know about this? save us some time. i'll set you up, get you a deck at my cost. since my thing is the software. that's right. clips. look, i want you to know what we're talking about here. this isn't like tv only better. this is life. it's a piece of somebody's life. pure and uncut, straight from the cerebral cortex. you're there. you're doing it, seeing it, hearing it. feeling it. exactly anything. whatever you want. whoever you want to be. fabri, get us another round, would you. you want to go skiing without leaving your den, you can. but i'm assuming a guy like you, you wanna go skiing you fly to aspen. that's not what you're interested in here. it's about the stuff you can't have. right? the forbidden fruit. like running into a liquor store with a .357 magnum in your hand, feeling the adrenalin pumping through your veins. or. . see that guy, with the drop-dead philipino girl friend? wouldn't you like to be that guy for twenty minutes? the right twenty minutes. i can make it happen. and you won't even tarnish your wedding ring. i can get you what you want. you just have to talk to me. i'm your priest, your shrink, your main connection to the switchboard of souls. i'm the magic man, the santa claus of the subconscious. you say it, you even think it, you can have it. you want a girl, you want two girls? i don't know what your thing is or what you're curious about. you want a guy? you want to be a girl. see what that feels like? you want a nun to tie you up? it's all doable. listen, before we get into numbers, i want you to try a taste. i got a deck with me. step into my office. you were just an eighteen year old girl taking a shower. are you beginning to see the possibilities here? you nervous? forget it. the cops have more to worry about in this city than the squid-trade, believe me-- damnit, max, i was with a client! you think that's funny? to mess with a man's livelihood? it's not funny! okay. it was funny. but it cost me money. least you can do. thanks, max. this tie cost more than your entire wardrobe. it's the one thing that stands between me and the jungle. you were lucky, max. naw. she won't call me. thanks, max. i'm touched by your concern. hey, iris, you okay? what's going on? hang on, that's my car-- hey wait a second. oh, yeah, that's the answer! two million years of human evolution and that's the best idea you can come up with? okay. look, whattya get to repo a car? two hundred? two fifty? i'll pay you three fifty, right now. all you gotta do is drop it off the hook and say you came by, your mark wasn't here. simple. make a few bucks. do a good deed. huh? i was going to write you a check, if that's-- okay, okay, i totally respect that call. i would want cash. they'll take my check inside. i can see you're pressed for time, just give me two minutes. here keep my watch for collateral. it's a rolex. be right back. two minutes. son of a bitch! uh unh, carrying a gun wrecks the line of a fine jacket. they jerked my wheels, d'you believe it? i mean it's outrageous, the computer errors the banks are making lately. have you noticed? shutup a second! thanks for giving me a ride. i just have a few stops, mostly on the west side-- come on, mace. this is gonna be a big night. can't you feel it? the energy in the air? there's money to be made, dreams to sell. just a couple of hours. it'll be fun-- mace, you're my friend. i need you. plus i'll give you 25% of what i make tonight. mace! you're a life-saver. no, wrong. i sell experiences. sex is only part of it. way i look at it, i actually perform a humanitarian service. i save lives. okay, take some executive. bored with his life, bored with his wife. he picks up a hooker or some girl at a bar. then he goes around for months, torn up worrying that he's got aids, that he'll infect his wife. and maybe he really does catch something-- everybody needs to take a walk to the dark end of the street sometime, it's what we are. but now the risks are outa line. the streets are a war zone. and sex can kill you. so you slip on the trodes, you get what you need and it keeps you from jumping your tracks. define illegal. yeah, but that was for love. what's his name? mr. fumitsu, good evening sir, leonard nero, security express. lornette mason here is just completing our routine driver evaluation. we do it to make sure that out vip clients, such as yourself, are always treated as honored guests. i just need to ride up front and take some notes, if you don't mind. coming with you. strickland. sure. whatever. see, since you shitcanned my career, i don't even have to call you sir. one of life's small pleasures. i was invited here by a close friend, mr. fumitsu, see he's right over there. your sex life? let's talk in the car. i just want to see what we're like together through your eyes. forget it's there. hey, careful on the jacket. this is armani. you angry? in la? are you crazy? can i come in please? i'm having a hard time hearing the stereo. i need my case. it's still in the back. listen, can we talk a little bit here, like two rational adults? that would be no. okay, you got my attention, but this is cutting off the circulation to my head, here. d'you mind? i thought we were friends. so am i. just trying to get by. macey. i've never seen you like this. i know you wouldn't be saying all this if you didn't care about me. thanks, mace. really. you still like me, don't you? we're still buddies? macey, i know you're tired, but can you drop me at the retinal fetish? it's on your way. begging? groveling? any pathetic behavior at all? will that help? faith's there tonight, and i've got to talk to her. come on, let me buy you a drink. let's drink and make up. alright, i'm going to see faith. that means you can watch me suffer. i'll be in agony, you'll feel so much better. total and thorough payback, whatdya say? who's the new side of beef in tran's posse? rams. that's football, right? she still loves me. she's my destiny. you'll see. you're not a client anymore, tran. i wouldn't sell you the sweat off a dead dog's balls. too bad about your guy jeriko. tough break. yeah, important for your label. which no doubt is why you're in mourning. don't worry, his records'll sell out now he's dead. you'll make out. faith, can i talk to you a second? i just got to talk to you for one second. that would be between me and faith, wouldn't it? faith, call me, okay? tick, listen, i can't stop right now. but i'll call you tomorrow about that thing we were talking about. so, those rascals still haven't grown back yet, huh? present. something i had made. let me know what you think. fan mail from some flounder? hi, baby. i've missed you. i'm already hurting. yeah, ok, whatever you say. just answer one question. is anything wrong? iris said you might be in trouble. tonight. i know you faith. you're afraid of something. what's going on? it's tran, isn't it? this guy is poison, faith. listen to me. he's got you walled in on all sides. and he uses the wire too much, he gets off on tape, not on you. why don't you just split? you don't love him, anybody can see that. and to him you're just some kinda possession, like a ferrari, something to show the other guys. what? he gonna record you on his label? come on, faith! he's just toying with you. and when he gets bored, you'll be yesterday's papers. look, baby, i've watched you create yourself out of nothing. you're like a goddamn cruise missile, targeted on making it. and you will. it's you up on that stage, not him. you don't need him. max pelcher? you're kidding? can't do it. shoulda told me about your new gig, buddy. you should feel like shit. fairly twisted logic, max, even for you. hey, at least you got a job! watch her for me. stay on her. can i get that? thanks for the tip. i recognize you. you're wade beemer. running back for the rams, am i right? i saw you play, man. you were good. like a fucking freight train i remember saying. so what happened, injuries or what? it's always politics. like this thing we're in here, he's paying you to tune me up, right? but i could pay you more not to. see what i mean? i could write you a check right now-- okay cash! logical. here's everything i have on me, what do you say? how about a rolex? just not the eyes. they oughta get some lights back there. a person could get killed slipping on those stairs. let's go. i have crawled through the gutter. through every wrinkle in the human brain. it is my sword and my shield, macey. no idea. it's a test pattern so far. alright, a little b&e action. hey, getting good. solid suspense build. go to the sunset sheraton. right now! just go! go! holy shit. he's jacking her in to his own output. she's seeing what he's seeing. she's seeing herself. on my god. oh my god. black. jack. snuff clip. it was iris. she said she needed my help and i. aw jesus, mace. the sick fucker killed her. yeah. no, not really. not now. i don't want to think about it-- he stalks her. he rapes her. then he does her. he records himself raping and killing her-- so she feels. what he feels. while he's in her. the thrill while he's killing her. is sent to her, heightening her fear. which in turn heightens the turn on for him. i've seen a lot, max. but this is a bad one. he makes her see her own death, feeds off the reaction. killer and victim merging. orgasm and agony merging. and he records it all. wants to share. why me? i've never dealt in black-jacks. never. everybody knows that. jesus, mace. back off. uh unh. no way! they'd crucify me. iris is dead. she was murdered. don't know. but this guy's real damaged goods. iris knew someone was after her. and she said you were in danger too. now no more games, faith. whatever you're hiding, whatever's going on, you have to get out of here now. come with me right now. don't even think about it. i have a gun. it's under my bed. tell me. charm. it's alright. he means it. listen, can we be smart here? i could make it really worth your while. i could cut you a check for 500 each. hell, make it an even grand. i'm not saying you don't land a couple shots, just go light is all i'm saying. here, take my rolex. is this great fabric or what? never really thought about it. come on. look in the mirror. you know it's there, you're keeping your eyes off it, you bastard. shit! who are you? he knows what he's doing. he's worn before. a lot. it gives me. i don't know. maybe two hundred people who i know wear. i need to see more. get more detail. something. i feel his presence, so strong. yeah. i'm ghosting pretty bad. she came to me for help. i should have read it better. i just figured, y'know. another strung- out hooker having a bad night. sex killers act alone. so there's no information on the street, which is how cases get made. cops know they'll never nail this guy the second they look at the scene. and anyway, nobody gives a shit about a dead hooker. they're roadkill. see, it's all about what they see walking in. a dead hooker, handcuffs, penetration. they'll see a trick gone wrong. random kill. the kind you never solve. no it doesn't. she said "if they get me". they. which means the whole sex-killer thing is a cover, which means somebody whacked her for a reason. if he could do what's on that tape, he's a sicko. because it had to look random. not connected to anything or anyone. but then why give the rape to me? and what about the guy that was following me? the question is not whether i am paranoid, but whether i am paranoid enough. you want to rub my neck? how's zander? s'okay. i know you still love me. w'sup, max? faith ok? looks like she was holding out. he's in this somehow. i don't know how. just stay close to faith. jesus, mace! anywhere. we'll talk about it in the car. hand me that box of tapes, will you? this tie doesn't go with blue! mace, the guy had a knife. to my throat. in my living room. relaxing might be right out, okay?! no shit. you got someplace in mind? today i have. easy, there, mom. easy. this is audio only. john coltrane. "a love supreme." give it a listen, let me know what you think, maybe you won't go for it now, but it'll get in your head and grow like a seed into something really beautiful. later. your mom'n i are heading right back out. skip the art criticism, tick, what can you tell me about the wearer. what? who was just here? wait, wait. wait a minute. iris was here?! what clip? what was it? she never gave me a tape. she wanted to go out to my car, something about my car. that's a handy little attitude adjuster. damn. i'm boxed in. nothing. let's go play this back. what tape? i'm just trying to get my car back but the place is closed-- it's in my case. okay? i'm going to open my case. take it and turn her loose. okay? oh no, we're not being followed, lenny, don't be so paranoid, lenny. shit! bullet resistant? whatever happened to bullet proof? goddamnit!! 911 is busy! the gas tank's going to go any second! are you out of your fucking mind?! yeah, me neither. it was one of my favorites. me and faith in a hot tub on my birthday. i'm going to really miss it. are we impressed yet? those two guys were cops. it's the walk. something. anyway, they'll run your plates and get your address. we gotta keep moving. come on zander. you can ride on my shoulders. here you go. i can't tell you. you've got to see. mace. i know what you think about the wire. but i'm asking you to do this. it's that important. sorry this has to be your first playback. keep your eyes closed, or you'll see double. hang on. hang on, max. you see? yeah i know. so what do we do? we got to make another copy of this. little life insurance. i've got a good idea, yeah. maybe. but tonight is probably not the best night. come on, we're rollin'. so, let's see, i've got tran's goons, some squidhead psycho and the lapd all trying to kill me. happy new year, lenny. there's a plus side? it was a tough call. i don't think those cops did iris. i think whoever iris was wearing for killed her. to break the trail. if those cops had gotten hold of her, they would have beat it out of her who she was wearing for, and then gone after them too. our killer is running as scared as we are. which makes him really dangerous. judging by how scared i am. you may be a little overdressed for this party. yo, tick! it's lenny. open up! tick, i got to talk to you, man. oh shit. he's been cooked-off no. but his frontal lobes are like two runny eggs. they put an amplifier in-line to boost the signal till it french-fried his brain. he's totally cut off from the outer world. whattya mean? what stuff? jesus. thanks, buddy. see. things weren't bad enough. they weren't fucking bad enough! yeah, right, blow it open. okay. what about strickland? deputy commissioner palmer strickland. the sanctimonious prick who busted me out. his ass is so tight when he farts only dogs can hear it. i know this guy. if there's one cop who's not dirty it's him. hey, max, mace. whoa. time out. whoever killed iris did tick. it's the same sick wirehead shit. same reason. to burn the trail. if faith knows anything about this, and i think she does, then she's on the list. so. who's driving? faith, we know about jeriko. iris made me a copy of the tape. how did it happen? what was iris doing riding around with jeriko wearing a wire? no. mace is in this. kinda guy you can count on in a pinch. yeah. he figured out what to do all right. the killer knew right where she was. because he put her there. leave here with me, right now. owww!! take it easy. uh huh. so where are they now? what do you mean? this is what we laughingly refer to as a plan, right? 2-2-0-3. got it. stay on her. okay, we gotta get over there. can you borrow a dress from cecile or something-- whatya mean? we're going! tran's gonna do her right there unless-- that sounds right. i'm going. what the fuck are you doing?! have you ever been in love with somebody who didn't return that love? it didn't stop you from loving them. right? or understanding them, or being able to forgive them. and it didn't stop you from wanting to protect them. did it? i worked vice, narcotics. violent crimes. and i saw every known depravity. i was lost, mace. in outer darkness. then i busted this strung-out little teeny-hooker. when i met faith she was just another runaway giving twenty dollar blowjobs to buy crank. another lost soul. but she was different. there was a light in her eyes. and she had this voice. it was scary, all that pain coming out of that little body. like she could take all the hurt and rage of the entire world and lift it up to heaven in one voice. i helped her. and i promised her that i'd always be there. to protect her. see? it's not about what's in her head. it's what's in mine. i can't let go of the promise. it's. like. it's all i have left. mace. you're a girl. got your ticket? you see tran? come on, max. come on, buddy. damnit. alright. we're going up. i still got one ace to play. tran's got what i want. and i've got what he wants. exactly. that's why it's a make- able deal. see that guy? the one with the ramrod up his ass. that's strickland. take it to him. no. trust me. then we'll be right where we are now. now, wade, can we talk here, like two human beings-- it's not personal. no, no, no. no. i suppose not. i didn't know you were colorblind, max. where's faith? what makes you think i'm gonna kill tran? jesus! so. i killed tran. then you ran in, being on his payroll, and shot me. wait a minute. now i'm remembering. i killed iris too, didn't i? was i a really busy guy? did i do tick too? so why max. why d'ya have to do iris? she never hurt anybody. i won't say anything. and who was, regrettably, also your best fucking friend. you must be so pleased, i followed your jellybean trail right here, like a good little chump. so there never was a death squad. just those two loose-cannon cops running around covering their butts. how did you hook up with faith? jesus, faith. are you okay? shoot! yeah, what? naw. they just have to ask us a few questions. for about six hours. yeah. we did. see you downtown.