hello? hey lenny, whatup? uh huh. uh huh. sure. so what happened to your car this time? greetings, gents. so let's hear this week's sad story. no. i haven't noticed because i make my payments. so, max pelcher, how's the p.i. business? hey, isn't that tran vo? but i mean isn't he faith's new-- whoa, whoa, whoa. i said i'd drop you home, but i'm not taking you on your sleazoid rounds. i've already pulled twelve hours today. sleaze to peddle. excuse me. what part of no don't you understand? lenny, this may be a hard concept for you, but friends don't have to pay their friends. jeez, you're pathetic. okay, i got a pickup at the st. james. i'll take you there, you can get a cab. driving mr. lenny. so, what's up with you? another busy night selling porno to wireheads? buncha techno-perv jerkoffs. uh huh, i wanna hear this part. price he pays for being a scumsucking pig. lenny, this shit's illegal. me bailing your sorry pale ass out of jail twice in the last six months. define love. dammit, lenny, you made me late. fumitsu. um, excuse me. sir. excuse me. mr. nero. what the fuck are you doing? you will not live to see the morning. now listen to me. you have to get to bed young man. i mean it. no watching "tales from the crypt". i don't care what cecile says. i'll see you in the morning, baby. night, night. are we having a bad night? i've had enough of this shit. you're on foot, lenny. get it. i've had it. no more wirehead shit in my car. you understand? you want to poach your lobes, do it somewhere else. no, see a friend is more than one person constantly doing favors for another. you just suck people along with your schemes and your scams and your slick act. well i'm out. i got a kid, i got rent, i got an ex- husband someplace who doesn't send me a dime of support. i'm just trying to hold on here. no, you're just trying to get off. lenny, you're turning into some kinda squid-head low-life. you're always broke, you just go from one score to the next. and you're getting strung out. you don't even see it. getting high on your own supply like some crack dealer. look, i gotta get some sleep. yeah. i don't see a way out of it. jesus, lenny. sure, lenny. the only thing worse than a junkie is someone in love. guy named wade beemer. used to be a running back for the rams in '96 and forget her. she thinks you're a bucket of dog vomit. trust me on this. destiny? you living in a perfume commercial? she's a hard-climber that dropped you like a used tampon when she got a better ride. hey lenny, where the hell are you, i think tran's got beemer looking for you. you're some piece of work, you know that. just calmly backstroking around in the big toilet bowl, and somehow you never let it touch you. i mean, between vice and this so- called occupation you're in now, you must've seen it all. what i'm saying. but you still come out this goofball romantic. what's that? present from faith? what is it? my god, lenny. what is it? blackjack? i don't understand-- are you sure it's real? no way. and gives it to you. cause you're the man, right? the magic man. if it's got something to do with the wire, sooner or later it washes up on your beach. maybe he just figures lenny will appreciate what he's created. it's the dark end of the street, lenny. how do you like it now? this guy is someone you know, one of your squid-head contacts. take the tape to the cops. so some psycho wire-freak gets to keep running around-- safety's on. lenny! you ever wonder why you get beat up a lot? so that gives you something. don't crank the gain any more. you're gonna fry yourself. no more, lenny. it's not your fault. but that doesn't add, does it. because iris knew somebody was after her. so the guy's not a sicko. okay, so he's a freak who thinks he's sane pretending to be a freak. the point is, he was a hitter. somebody wanted to shut her up. but why not just put a little lead in her ear? that's where it gets a little strange. now you're really getting paranoid. sure. ok. he asks about you all the time. it's been weeks since you've seen him. i'm sorry about getting on your case earlier. i just see you getting sucked in deeper and deeper, and i -- anyway. i'm sorry. just lenny. are you going to make me beg? what is that? well give me some then. i'm starving. whatup lenny? where we going? what is it? will you relax. there's nobody back there. you better keep a low profile for a while. lenny, have you lost it completely? cecile. you're not the only little boy i have to look out for, honey. we know that, tick. think back about what she said. exactly what she said. something in your car. what's it say? lenny, give them the tape. take it easy. the glass is bullet resistant. lenny. calm down. this is what i do. it's okay, lenny they'd never get here in time anyway. this is bad. fire's out, isn't it? get in here. come on lenny, move it. move!! get ready to hold your breath. lenny, kick out hard, then just follow me. okay? i can't believe we had to give them the damn tape. hey curtis? just drive. you sure? we're going to aunt cecile's, honey. we're going to watch fireworks from there. let's go. chop chop. cecile, get in the car. now. he's with me. tell me. uh unh. i won't do it. i see. i see the earth opening up and swallowing us all. you know what this tape could do if it gets out. people finding out. seeing. that the lapd just flat out executed jeriko one. jesus. maybe they ought to see. listen to me, little sister. there's something going on, and it's very big. now you've got to take care of zander. and stay off the streets tonight. you hear me on this? curtis. what about you? do we understand each other? you stay put. well, look at the plus side. yeah. you gave up your hot tub tape to save me. that's real progress for you. i still can't square the psycho smarts of whoever did iris with those two cops. why? how long does it last? oh. this seems a little sophisticated for them. these are not subtle guys. the only card we have to play is the tape. you know, we get it to the media somehow. who's strickland? so you're saying we just pretend is didn't happen? it happened! the lapd executed one of the most important black men in america! who the fuck are you to bury this?! yeah, well maybe it's time for a war! tell us. why didn't he just go public with the tape? save himself that way. come on. we're out of here. yeah, uh. he slipped on the stairs. we're taking him to emergency. excuse me. you are a pussy-whipped sorry-ass motherfucker, you know that? i'm not going. lenny. shutup. just park your mouth and listen. it's a set-up. think about it! why's he been sending you tapes? to freak you, get you to rush in without thinking. then they put one in you, put one in her, put the gun in your hand. crime of passion. this guy's bent enough to think of that. you gonna get yourself killed for this? this toxic-waste bitch! lenny! this is your life, lenny! right here. right now. this is realtime. not playback. real. time. time to get real. understand what i'm saying. she doesn't love you. maybe she did once, i don't know, but she doesn't now. these are used emotions. it's time to trade them in. lenny, memories were meant to fade. they're designed that way for a reason. yeah. lenny. i have. i guess. no. it didn't. you never told me. no, it's not. come on, lenny. let's go to a party. that's it. let's bail. good, lenny. i can see why the detective gig didn't work out. come on. no. they must have sent it to my beach house by mistake. uh unh. and do what? take on his whole posse? that's the original. there are no copies. look. that tape is a lightning bolt from god. it's worth more than you, more than me, more than faith. you understand? it can change things. things that need changing before we all go off the end of the road. and you do not have the right to use it for currency. you go. you go alone. this is where i draw the line. i care about you lenny. a lot more than you know. which makes us both pretty stupid. but you pawn that tape, you mean nothing to me. ah, hell. lenny-- a cop? you want me to trust a cop?! oh boy. what if you're wrong? yeah, right. fucked. there's a tape in there you need to see. i mean right now. just look at the tape! you want to know who killed jeriko one? go in the stall right now and hit play. damn! i knew it-- all the way down! right now!! wait. let me tell you what's going on here-- no!! no!!! i got 'em, lenny. are we under arrest? hey, lenny. we made it. well. get going. you're still bleeding. yeah. see you there.