you see the look on that preppy puke's face? fuckin' pissed in his topsiders. come on, amigo, the world's full of marks. and nobody knows how to work 'em like you do, pal. you could sell a goddamn rat's asshole for a wedding ring! let me buy you a drink. fuckin' a right i'm mad! i might kill every man in here. but first i'm buyin' my buddy here a drink. hey o'neal! you were right, your wife does give good head. bobbyyyy! tequila por favor! double shots. make it tres generaciones, huh. nothin' but the best for my good friend lenny, the finest cop that ever got thrown off the vice squad. hey, nice tie. d'you always have to dress like a fuckin' pimp? that's not sayin' much. to the jungle! where outa the blue some shitbird can cap you in the back of the head and ruin your whole day. yup. so darn lucky. i wake up with a .22-short floating in my brainpan, and a cop pension i can't live off of. good thing i wasn't any luckier. bobby! another shooter right here! you seen faith lately? just as well, lenny. you gotta get past it. i mean sure, faith was by far the most outstanding woman a guy like you could ever hope to get, i mean it's completely and deeply humiliating that she's gone, but it's over, campadre. i just hate to see you pining away. it makes me want to vomit, frankly. broken hearts are for assholes. what happened, honey, some john get rough on you? there it is, the magic fuckin' word. see, if you packed your piece you could've made the guy see sense. an ex-cop that doesn't carry. it's embarrassing. i oughta not be seen with you. hey, mace. what's goin' on? sucks. (attention caught by to the end of all things! you know how i know it's the end of the world? because everything's been done, every kind of music's been tried, every government's been tried, every fuckin' hairstyle. how you gonna make it another thousand years, for chrissake? i'm telling ya, it's over. we used it all up-- yup. he was jeriko's manager. bummer, tran! lost your golden goose. couldn't happen to a nicer guy. sssssh! not in front of lenny. you may trigger a maudlin display which will force us to tranquilize him. i was gonna tell ya. hey, it's just a job. i feel like shit about it. i figured, what the hell, i could take the prick's money and make sure faith was ok at the same time. do us both good. right? i'm on her. ohhhh shit. well. i've lost my appetite. for about a year. you alright? y'okay? let's work it. come on, lenny. you used to be good at this stuff. play it down. what's the perp doing? and he records it. thrill kill. wants to see it again. and again. but at the same time he's sending the signal to her-- so've i. too much. top ten. that's right. he wants to share. needs an audience. this is one sick puppy. he's skull-fucking you, bud. trying to get a reaction. maybe pushing you to do something. problem is, lenny knows everybody. naw, he's right. they'll figure lenny's the perp, or go through his client list, ruin his life. such as it is. look, i'll call the guys in homicide. tell them she was a friend of mine and they'll keep me in the loop. get me the forensics and all that. get some sleep. i'll call you when i get something. and lenny. i'd keep moving if i were you. hey, the last day of the world and you spend it in bed. not a whole hell of a lot. they've just been saying words over jeriko. tensions running pretty high down here. i'm telling you. yeah. she's leaving with tran so i got to boogie. real quick. iris checked into the sheraton last night under a false name. paid cash. yup. hey, so i heard you dropped in on tran last night. another slick lenny move. i'm on her, amigo. no worries. gotta jam. don't talk to anybody. anybody. you're invisible. okay? just meet me at tick's in a half hour. and lenny. don't get pulled over. sounds like tick's already celebrating. is he dead? those two psycho cops are on a slash-and-burn to find the tape and cover their tracks. there's more to this whole thing than you think. all i'm saying. you don't know how high up the food chain this thing goes. i've heard stuff. smoke. rumors. i've heard stuff about a death squad. a group a guys loyal to the hardline school. guys that've had too many years of city hall and the review boards and the goddamn media pissing down their necks, suspending cops right and left, tying their hands. while outa the other side a their mouths these same people're squealing save us, save us, do something you fucking morons, crime is totally out of control. yeah. so don't walk near me in public, alright. mace. no disrespect. but you run this on the 11 o'clock news, by midnight you got the biggest riot in history. they'll see the fucking smoke from canada. no. bad idea. listen to me, lenny. stay away from cops. all cops. you have no way of knowing who you can trust. fine. do you want blood running waist deep in the storm drains? the gangbangers'll spread like a wave through this city and burn it to the ground. and when the fires start the street cops'll be capping off at anything that moves. it'll be all- out war and you know it. you really want that on your head? tran, listen. i was wondering how you want me to work it tonight, down at the bonaventure. you want me downstairs at the party or upstairs at the suite? where you going to be, mostly? everything's cool. too much to drink. he's got her up in the room, under guard. and he's still working the party. acting smooth like nothin's nothin'. so buddy. i say we work a trade. give him the tape. see? it's fucking brilliant! the tape for faith. i know he'll go for it. i can set it up. come on! if he gives us any shit, we kill 'em all. whattya say? just get your butt down here. if i'm not at the shindig downstairs go to the room. it's 2203. you writin'? i intend to. this piece of puke hired me to kill you, baby. do you believe that? isn't that right, tran? you pinhead. believe it. now bring me the trodes, baby. come on, quick. i'm not. just a little poach job. hey, he was going to kill you. and this ratfuck paid to have iris killed, to save his own sorry ass. you shut the fuck up, right now, i'm gonna pull this fuckin' trigger! look, baby, it's now of never. the guy is a known input junkie, so a little od won't surprise anybody. it's the only way we can be together. you know it's true. here's how much i love you, baby. don't make any assumptions about our friendship, lenny. only way i could stand your ties. i'll have that. glock 22. nice. i sent her to the party. i figured i'd wait up here until you killed tran. you just did. you know, statistically that's the second most common word people say right before they die. shit being number one. that's pretty much the way it happened. that's right. they'll find the original of her snuff clip in your apartment. the one i left for you at the club was a copy. you bet. did you like it? picture it. i feel like i gotta share this with somebody. it's too perfect. i know. so, i'm working for this puke, right? and he says he'll pay me quite large to do the hooker. but also i gotta do his bitch girlfriend cause she knows the whole score and she's totally out of control. only he doesn't know about me and faith. so i say to myself, if i turn the job down, he just gets somebody else. and i lose faith. to coin a phrase. so to buy time, i do the skank. i still gotta do something about tran. i figure it's him or me. but i can't cap him without a chump to take the fall. and who better than his girlfriend's loser ex-boyfriend. a known criminal. who has been seen hassling them in public numerous times. no plan is perfect, lenny. hey, cheer up. world's gonna end in ten minutes anyway. you got froggy on me a couple times. i thought that riff about the death squad was pretty good. i hadda keep you from bringing the cops into it. naawww. yeah. pretty zany, huh? all this shit caused by a random traffic stop. hey. nothing means nothing. you know that. look around. the whole planet's in total chaos. you gotta take what you can, while you can. cause some shitbird can come up and put a fuckin' .22 in the back a your head any second. this dink hires me a month ago to eyeball her, right? but faith knows me from you, right, so she comes up to me and says, 'hey max why you following me?' i say, 'i'll buy you a drink and explain.' and she says. you were supposed to go downstairs, baby. i said, 'yeah. i'd even do it for free.' and then she said, 'since we're going to be spending so much time together--' fucking bitch!!