we have no facts yet. all we know for sure is that we have lost a great artist, that a great voice for change is now silent. you come to peddle me some tapes, lenny? for old time's sake? make a couple bucks for the holidays? i already got everything i need from you. show a little respect, nero. the man was an important artist. i always do. about what? i don't feel anything between you. see, your trouble is you assume too much, lenny. you assume there's something where there's nothing. you assume you have a life. but you're only hustling pieces of other lives on tape, and broken parts of your own. joey, make sure mr. nero gets safely to his car. lenny the loser. panhandler of stolen dreams. he's no concern of mine, as long as you don't talk to him. don't talk to anybody. you understand? not with everything that's going on right now. paranoia's only reality on a finer scale. go ahead, faith. tell him. a tragic story, no doubt. how'd you get up here? uh huh. look, nero. i'll make you an offer. take her. right now. if she wants to go, if she's unhappy here, she can go. i'll let her choose. faith always knows what she wants. hands off. see? i do mean it. and i mean this. if faith stays you go away and never come back. you scuttle back into your cockroach hole and never cross my vision again. you understand? you're going down. maybe now you appreciate the danger we're in. it was touching the way you stood by me in there. "stand by your man". i was moved. you were very good. i don't think he even understands that you did it for him. i'd love to. but he keeps showing up. and you keep talking to him. i can't have that-- the only time a whore should open her mouth is when she's giving head. maybe later. let's go get her. we're late. go get her, joey. stupid bitch. we'll talk about this later. take her up to the suite. have a glass of champagne. or six. i'll be up in a while to help you ring in the new year. you're going to die, you're both going to fucking die.