another man's child! but she can't do that to you, guy -- it's unbelievable -- it's, it's evil! yes, i know how you must feel. but you sound so savage. guy -- i wonder if you know how much i love you. but i wanted you to know, before. before we go into the living room. she was. strangled. you can tell them where you were, can't you, guy? then everything's's all right. i'm sick of hearing that word! it can't be helped, darling. it is not your fault. it's not as though anyone can say you had something to do with it. father, it's getting terribly late, and guy looks so tired. i told myself over and over i was being silly, but there was one horrible moment tonight when the news came through. i kept remembering what you shouted telephone from metcalf. don't even say it. forget you ever said it. even more terrifying than the murder itself, guy, was the awful thought that if you had anything to do with it we'd be separated, -perhaps forever. i'd never see you again. i couldn't bear it. hello, darling. have you had your dinner? you weren't in metcalf all this time? we expected you hours ago. but, you knew he was on the train! wasn't that enough to prove you were on it, too? that's ridiculous. they're acting as if you were guilty. he's right, guy. you mustn't do anything that would look suspicious. you've got to carry on as though nothing has happened. well, we'd better be getting back. i like. so was i. when we build our house, darling, we won't even have glass windows. no doorbells, no newspapers, no telephone -- how long can it go on? we'll be happier then, won't we? who was it, guy? guy, darling -- this is mr. antony -- a friend of monsieur and madame darville. guy haines. this is my sister barbara. barbara, this is mr. antony. thank you so much, mr. lindsay. we'll look forward to it. this is mr. antony, father. a friend of the darvilles. bring her upstairs. what's the matter, barbara? did you see it happen? did you see it -- all? how do you mean? do you know where guy is? guy! you didn't meet him for the first time the other day, did you, guy? yes. did you notice how he stared at barbara that day? he stared at her again tonight -- while his hands were around mrs. cunningham's throat. what did miriam look like, guy. go on, i want you to tell me. what else? she wore glasses, didn't she? she looked a lot like barbara, didn't she? how did you get him to do it, guy. he killed miriam, didn't he? tell me, guy! what do you mean -- your murder, guy? you must have realized he was talking a lot of nonsense! it's too fantastic! you mean you've known about miriam all this time? why didn't you call the police? oh, guy -- what can we do? guy, hadn't we better go inside? your friend hennessy's watching us. oh, if we could only talk to father or someone about it. but, mrs. antony, you've got to make him do something about this. don't you see that just one word from him would extricate guy from this dreadful situation? but don't you understand, mrs. antony -- your son is responsible for a woman's death. of course not, mrs. antony. guy doesn't know i'm here, mr. antony. and he said that if the police found your lighter there, that's all they'd need -- something to prove you were at the scene of the murder. guy, you'll have to get there before he does. you won't have time to play, you'd better tell them. then i'll go. but, guy, that'll be too late! yes. guy, listen to me, if i sound all mixed up i can't help it. i -- i'm scared. that's just it. i don't know. it's bruno. i talked to him, guy -- he acted peculiar -- as if he could put the murder right in your lap, and not involve himself at all. guy, has he anything that the police could trace to you -- any little thing. but he's going somewhere, guy. he told his mother -- no, -- i don't think so. oh, why can't i remember -- he said such crazy things! something about the moon -- he said he had an appointment with the moon. and have hennessy and that other one right at your heels? if he wins this next set -- you'd better have everything ready. here -- give the driver this ten dollars. you don't have to understand, just do it. and for heaven's sake, act natural. hello. yes, operator, yes! guy? yes, darling, yes. of course i'll be there. goodbye. guy'll be back tomorrow. he wants me to take him some things. he says he looks silly in his tennis clothes.