bruno rises in alarm and moves around toward the end of the bus so that he shall not lose sight of the girl coming out of the house. miriam's eye catches the attention of something off screen. the register shooting up only to the hallway mark. bruno looks down at his hands. with a studied movement, bruno picks up the handle of the hammer and swings. the register shoots up to the 100 mark and rings the bell. miriam's glasses hit the ground. the shadows of their struggling figures over the shot. the feet opposite guy stretch out and touch guy's feet. as guy is about to enter the front door and we see his name posted on a small card as one of the several tenants, he hears a soft call from across the street. anne and the senator are still greeting new arrivals. anne's manner is somewhat preoccupied. she glances around as she speaks, as though looking for someone. barbara appears in the hallway, coming from the crowded sitting room. she watches the two men go out the front door. guy turns and closes the door. guy leaves the gates ajar and then, taking the plan of bruno's house from his pocket, and the key, he looks toward the house. reynolds playing the covered stand people are concentrating. guy smashes. the ball hits the net. we see it fall through the bars of a grating by the sidewalk. reynolds lobs again. guy smashes. reynolds misses and the ball hits inside the line. she takes the ten dollar bill from her purse and passes it to the driver. she gives a final look inside the cab. guy now playing hard. barbara standing with hennessy, watching. we hear the score. guy and reynolds in play. reynolds serves. guy volleys. he waits for the return ball. he misses it. barbara takes it for granted that hennessy will accept her invitation. we see them grab another car. it is a chauffeur-driven limousine. hammond jumps in front and seats himself beside the driver. hennessy hops in the back. the car moves off. bruno straightens up. camera back as all the onlookers turn their heads in his direction. he puts his head in the side window and tells the two waiting detectives where guy has gone. the boatman looks at them with an expression of alarm. bruno hurries on. he stop short as he sees. the detective fires at guy. the man running the machine in the center of the merry-go- round is suddenly hit in the shoulder. his hand, which is on the starting lever, jerks it down. bruno at the far side is trying to jump off, but it's going too fast. guy breaks away from bruno and dives around the back of the horse to grab the little boy. as guy grabs the boy, he staggers forward with him to a small gondola. bruno leaps onto his back but guy manages to put the boy in the gondola. the calliope has little figures and these boat away on their cymbals almost as though they are applauding what's going on. underneath the merry-go-round, the boat man has made further progress. he is creeping inch by inch. his nose starts to run. he starts to fumble for a dirty piece of handkerchief. he blows his nose and then moves on. back above the two men swinging past the two girls on their horse and they both crash to the floor underneath another horse, upon which is riding side-saddle, a mother and her three-year-old little girl. guy wrenches himself out of this position. he rolls away from the camera right to the edge of the merry-go-round. he manages to grab a rail. bruno edges himself toward guy. he is hanging on to the reins of a horse. his feet manage to roach guy's knuckles.