how do you do. thanks. guy tries to read but is uneasily aware of bruno's open appraisal. a tennis player isn't so important. you are a tennis fan. not now, thanks. i don't smoke much. yes? you're quite a reader, mr. anthony. perhaps you read too much. that's all right. forget it. i guess i'm pretty jumpy. you'll have to drink both of them. what? it shouldn't have been. unless they've legalized bigamy overnight. i guess i will. as a matter of fact, i'm not going direct. i'm stopping off. at metcalf. it's my home town. close enough. thanks very much. but i think i'll go to the dining car. do you know if there are any vacant seats in the dining car now? thanks just the same, but i really don't think -- well, i'll just have a hamburger and a cup of coffee. sure. i'm your friend, bruno. you must be imagining things. well, what do you want to do? before, of course. not lately. what are you trying prove? marrying the senator's daughter has nothing to do with it. can't a fellow look past a tennis not without being a goldbricker? sure, bruno, sure. we'll be pulling in soon. i've got to change trains. miriam. let's not talk about it any more. i don't think so. let's change subject, bruno, can't we? you've been reading too many of these. no. i may be old fashioned, but i thought murder was against the law. you can't go around killing people just because you think they're useless. why? i'm afraid i haven't time to listen. swap murders? we're coming into my station. what? sure, we talk the same language. thanks for the lunch. nice meeting you, bruno. sure, sure, bruno. they're all okay. hi, bill. then park these in a lucky spot for a few hours, will you? you're looking well, miriam. what time do we meet your lawyer? my hurry? that's funny, coming from you! you're the one who's in a hurry, aren't you? i got over being jealous, a long time ago miriam. miriam's eyes slide toward the other girl clerk who has moved closer, within listening range. oh, skip it, miriam. it's pretty late to start flirting with a discarded husband. especially when you're going to have another man's baby. let's see your lawyer and get this over with. here it is. what are you trying to say, miriam? come out with it. why, you little doublecrosser. i didn't want this divorce, you did. that's what you've been harping about for the past year. and what do you mean by that? let's not talk about anne burton. what for? why me? it's not my baby. you black conniving little liar! what happened? did he run out on you? you're a liar and a cheat, miriam. you've wanted to get rid of me long enough and now i'll go you one better -- i never want to see or hear of you again. that's what should happen to people like you. and if i. sorry. i'm leaving. long distance. i want washington, d. c. the number is republic 0800. person to person. miss anne burton. right. anne, -- anne darling. yes, i'm in metcalf -- no, everything didn't go smoothly. she doesn't want a divorce, not now. sure i sound savage. i feel savage. i'd like to break her neck! i said i'd like to break her foul, poisonous, useless little neck! what's that? i said i could strangle her! what? metcalf? who'd you say you were? you'll never make the metropolitan. sure, i understand. what are you doing here? at this time of night? what do you mean? what's this all about? are you trying to tell me you've -- why, you maniac! where do you think i'm going? i'm going to call the police, of course. we'd both be arrested for murder? you crazy fool! you think you can get away with that? let me go, bruno. i had nothing to do with this and the police will believe me. my telephone. you've got me acting, like a criminal, you crazy fool! get away before i give you what you gave miriam. i don't know you. i never saw you before. i never want to see you again. yes? yes, anne. i'm sorry, darling. i just got in. of course i'm all right. but you sound upset. is anything wrong? all right. i'll come over. right away. anne darling, you're trembling. brazen woman. i'm the one to say that. good evening, sir. hello, babs. miriam. murdered. she's right. whichever way you look at it. i'm in a spot. at nine-thirty i was on the train from new york to washington. yes, i spoke to someone. no. his name was collins. he is a professor. university of virginia. i'm afraid there'll be a lot of reporters at your front door in the morning. someone might say it. i'd do anything to keep you all out of this mess. yes sir. goodnight. that i could strang. captain turley's office? captain turley is expecting me. guy haines. thank you, sir. yes. i saw him outside. but we were sitting opposite each other in the observation car! you were singing a song about a goat -- and calculus. you were going over a speech you'd made. captain, is it so important whether or not professor collins remember me? surely, the important thing is that i've been able to name a man who was on the train with me. you've been able to find him. isn't that proof of where i was at nine-thirty last night? guy asks this question with a look of near triumph that he has clearly established his alibi. on the train. when an alibi is full of bourbon, sir, it can't stand up. completely. he didn't remember me. apparently not at the right time. they suggested i could have caught the train at baltimore after miriam was murdered. they had it all worked out -- in their timetables. whatever it is, the police will know it. they gave me a present -- come take a look. my guardian angel. that's leslie hennessy. he works sixteen hours a day. somebody else takes over for the next eight. as a matter of fact, hennessy's a very nice fellow. i'm afraid where i go, hennessy goes. even to the senate. very likely. then what about practicing? perhaps i'd better forget forest hills? hello -- must be some mistake. it wasn't for me. well, i suppose i was pretty lucky to be seeded fifth, really. do you mean we'll be going there together, hennessy? i won't have to do that. when i'm through with tennis. i'll be going into politics, i hope. let's take this cab. it's getting late. pentagon building, please. we've actually been alone for an hour. seems almost indecent. you like? i was beginning to feel like a goldfish. no hennessy. i don't know. i suppose until they find out who did it. i suppose so. will you stop pestering me! you crazy fool! there's a detective outside. he'll see us together! stay away from me, i tell you! i never saw him before. just some tennis fan. yes, if i can get a court at the club. no, thank you, louise. he pulls those yarns right out of his hat, babs. he's not french. his name's antony. hiya, hennessy. won't keep you out late tonight. with forest hills coming up tomorrow, i've got to get some sleep. doesn't that bloodhound over relax? he sticks so close he's beginning to grow on me -- like a fungus. come on. don't forget your sleeping bag. don't worry. since you told barbara burton about the icebox, you're her favorite charity. she'll send the butler out with something to defrost you. bring him this way. i hardly know him, sir. yes, sir. you're a mad, crazy maniac, and you ought to be locked-up! now will you get out of here and let me alone? come on -- pull yourself together. do your tie up. here -- let me. have you got a car here? you mean when you introduced us at the club? well, i didn't -- particularly -- well, why do you ask me? you've seen her pictures in the paper. well, she was dark, not too tall, rather pretty -- what else is there? yes. i get him to do it? yes. he's a maniac. i met him on the train going to metcalf. he had a crazy scheme about exchanging murders. i do his murder and he do mine. well, he'd read about me in the paper. he knew about miriam -- and about you. he suggested that if he got rid of miriam for me, i should kill his father. of course! i didn't give it another thought. and now a lunatic wants me to kill his father. yes, isn't it? since the first night. he gave me her glasses. and have them say what you did -- "mr. haines, how did you get him to do it?" and bruno would say we'd planed it together. i don't know, anne. i don't know. you see, anne, that's why i didn't want you to know anything about this. i wanted to protect all of you -- your father, barbara. and now that you know, you're acting guilty, too. no, that's no good, anne. i mustn't drag anyone else into this mess. come on. let's go in. bruno? yes, yes, it's guy. i've decided to do what you want. i'll make that little visit to father. tonight. yes, i want to get this thing over with, can you leave the house again, bruno? you'd better stay out till daylight. moving quietly along the hallway, approaches two doors. he takes out his flash and identifies the door with his plan. mr. antony! mr. antony! don't be alarmed -- but i must talk to you about your son. about bruno. mr. antony! since you sent me a key to your house, i decided to use it -- to make a little social call on your father. i thought he'd be interested to know he his a lunatic son. no intention whatsoever. i never had. or this. look, bruno. you're terribly sick. i don't know whether it's possible for you to realize it or not. i don't know much about these things, bruno. but why don't you go someplace where you can get some treatment? not only for your own sake, bruno, but you can't go on causing more and more destruction to anyone you happen to meet. well, i guess it's no use, bruno. we sees to have nothing further to discuss. bruno goes to the door in silent acquiescence and opens it for guy to pass through. that big lie about my wanting him to get it back means he's going to put my lighter on that island! darling, if that loudspeaker announces that i'm not going to play, hennessy bound to be suspicious he'd keep me from ever getting near metcalf. no, darling. you stay right here and help me give hennessy the slip after the match. didn't bruno say that i wanted him together there one night after dark? well, that's what's in his mind now. he's not going to expose himself in broad daylight, if i can finish off this match in three sets, i'll still get there in time. okay, tim. be right with you. you got it straight? just make sure barbara has everything ready as soon as the third set starts. we'll know more about that by the end of the week. be right there. i was afraid you wouldn't get here. wish me luck, darling. what about? he'd drag himself into it, -- and bruno loves bruno. i'm all right so long as he thinks i have an alibi for that night. he knows? then he'll think of something. he said he would. my cigarette lighter. he said once he could have left it on the islands as evidence but he wouldn't do that. not in broad day light. metcalf -- did he say metcalf? try to think, anne! that's no help. but i can't take any chances. i've got to get that lighter -- somehow. i'll have to default. the moon! you said he had an appointment -- then he is going to metcalf. but he has to wait until it gets dark -- listen, anne, as soon as the third set starts, tell barbara -- the amusement park, quick. hey, bruno. stop it, bruno. give me my lighter, bruno! yes, i think so. he has my cigarette lighter and wanted to plant it there on the island to pin the whole thing on me. let me talk to him. let me show you. where is he? can't you get that stuff off him? this is mr. turley, chief of police. can you talk a little? can you tell the chief you have my lighter? okay, mr. turley. thanks. can you tell me where there's a telephone? bruno. bruno antony. a very clever fellow. yes.