i've never seen the forest hillss tournament before. i'm looking forward to it. oh, don't worry. this thing will be cleared up by that time. ever thought of turning professional, guy? politics! it's a good thing for you i don't report that to the chief. -- he'd put ten men on your trail. he says -- oh, no, not there! i always get lost. that's too bad. hammond takes over in a couple of hours. i'd like to see him earn his salary. he thinks you're a very suspicious character. he doesn't trust anybody! not even himself. yeah, if i have to wait too long on the sidewalk my feet get cold. and if i sit too long on those stone steps, my -- cute kid. hello, hammond. you'd better keep on your toes. something funny's going on. wonder where he went? shut up. i'd better contact metcalf. i should think this calls for more questioning of mr. haines. my dear mr. hamond, how many times do i have to tell you that we have nothing conclusive on haines? there's no evidence that he was ever at the scene of the crime. can't you get that into your thick head? now stay put till i get back. let him have his game first, hammond. good luck, guy. we got our orders. we take him in -- after the match. good luck, guy! guy gives him a thank-you nod. hammond rolls his eyes in disgust at hennessy's politeness. you'd feel naked in an eskimo suit -- if you weren't wearing your badge. sorry i can't make it. business. yeah -- i'll be with guy. i sure wish i could -- if you'll pardon us, madam, we need your help. we're chasing a man.