even change. thank you, madam. well -- hello, guy. so are you. you've got a nice tan, playing tennis with all your rich friends. what's your hurry? when you wouldn't give me the divorce right away, i sort of hoped it was because you were a little bit jealous. let's talk in there. now this is cosier. sort of like old times, isn't it, guy? do you know, i think you're handsomer than ever? did you bring the money, guy? lawyers are expensive. if i'd known what all that tennis nonsense of yours was going to lead to, i wouldn't have run out on you. i'm not getting a divorce. it's a woman's privilege to change her mind. now i can shop for some pretty clothes. i wouldn't want you to be ashamed of me in washington when we go to all those dinners and swanky parties. don't look so mad, guy. you always smile when your picture is being taken for the papers. especially when you have anne burton hanging on your arm. so, it's really serious between you two? well, you can throw your dreams about her into the ashcan. guy, i'm coming to washington. to have my baby and be with you. but people don't know that, guy, do they? it would make a pretty story, wouldn't it -- the senator's daughter involved with a married man who's about to become a father. keep your voice down. no man runs out on me. not even you. i could be very pathetic as the deserted little mother in a courtroom, guy. think it over. who would believe you? you heard what i said, guy haines. you can't throw me away like an old shoe. i'm coming to washington to have my baby. tell that to the senate! goodnight, mother. see you later. george, stop it, i tell you! george, no! oh! why yes. how did you --