since you insisted on a manicure, dear, i do wish you'd keep your hands quiet. you're so restless lately. did i file them too short? then what's the matter? you look so pale, dear. are you out of vitamins? but you have that 'look'. i can always tell. you haven't got into any more mischief, bruno? i do hope you've forgotten about that silly little plan of yours? about blowing up the white house? you're a naughty boy, bruno. but you can always make me laugh. now get shaved, dear, before your father gets home. now, now, let's not lose control. come see my painting, dear -- i do wish you'd take up painting. it's such a soothing pastime. it is? i was trying to paint saint francis. how nice that you're early, charles. i'll tell cook. i never permit it!