sit down, barbara. there seems to be no way of diplomatically breaking tragic news. i'm sorry, guy, to be the one to tell you. it concerns your wife. she's been murdered. you're to call headquarters at metcalf. it happened on an island in an amusement park. it was sort of a lovers lane, i believe. a rather sordid atmosphere. young lady, we can't overlook the fact that murder is at our doorsteps. but i forbid you to drag it into the living room! motive? oh come now, my boy. i'm sure you have nothing to worry about. there you are. anyone you know? harvard. routine. pure routine. profit by my experience, guy. never lose any sleep over accusations. unless they can be proved, of course. we'll help all we can. dreadful business, dreadful. that poor unfortunate girl. she was a human being. let me remind you that even the most unworthy of us has the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. barbara! of course, of course. back to bed, barbara. one doesn't always have to say what one thinks! you won't forget that call, guy? captain turley. sit down, guy. sit down. give him some coffee, anne. you had no trouble with the police of course, once they verified your alibi? i certainly hope so. what is your next step? i'll have him called off immediately of course. is he likely to -- picket my office? i would suggest, guy, for your own peace of mind, of course, that you work here at the house for a few days. it would be less embarrassing for you. my dear boy, wouldn't it look rather -- awkward -- if you suddenly canceled all your plans. how do you do, sir. ah yes, indeed -- i beg your pardon? i don't remember inviting that young man. who is he? he has an unusual personality. provocative. i thought he was a bit weird when he arrived. who is he? get him out of here as soon as you decently can -- will you. this is a nice item for the gossips. first thing you know, they'll be talking about orgies. i'd better get back. i presume from all those tears that you have had good news.