guy frowning in puzzlement as he looks at bruno. as guy takes the glasses he looks at bruno in bewilderment. guy can hardly believe what he is hearing. bruno pulls guy back further into the shadows. guy instinctively flattens himself against the wall. he looks across the street again. guy is still flattened against the wall to keep out of light. bruno follows guy and we follow them across the street. camera on their backs. guy strides ahead to the house. left alone, guy and anne embrace. anne's nervous tension comes to the surface in a flood of relief. guy comes up to bruno, steps in front of him. guy rejoins anne and they start to walk away. camera pans down with anne as she descends the last few steps. barbara enters the picture and the two girls meet at the foot of the stairs. guy's arguments have made no impression on bruno whatsoever. he fingers the gun. as guy comes near to bruno, the latter turns on him and starts to attack him.