of course you like it. ask anybody. denise gives great hair. got any grass? what else don't you have that i need? you're too good looking. his idea of a perfect stunt double is two- hundreds pounds of hamburger in a red wig. at selling douche powder, she's fabulous; dog food?. i'm not sure she's sincere. i'm not sore. isn't that what you wanted to know? . or did you mean, what's the real nina franklin like--without the greasepaint and tinsel. you mean, what's she like -- underneath? what do those say about the girl who wears them? shy? delicate? sensitive? still wet. very wet. bet they're looking for that nut who killed all those campers in montana. three times is a love affair. twice is nice. you just sit here. dry. and repent. hey. c'mon, red. i'm a woman scorned. i'll say anything.