we had a film run-out. thirty-six feet is nothing. lucky. hey lucky, come over here! guess who tole 'em to take their job and stuff it? fuckin' a. gettin' out tonight. but not without splittin' a schlitz with the one guy, 'cept me, who wouldn't take shit from that screwball. change is for you, except that. that's a very special dime. know what this is? ask me! it's eli cross' ass. people think 'cause you're easygoin' they can walk all over you. bull-shit. i'm blowin' the whistle with this dime in that phone. killin' a man and hiding it from the police. are you kiddin'? who is he think he is? what the hell you doin'? do whatever you wanna do, but i better do it with ya! you'll need help 'cause that goddamn looney is dangerous. don't be too sure. damned psycho nearly strangled me! don't believe me? wanna see marks? . lucky to be alive! not today. when burt went into the water. i could tell from up there in the chopper something' was wrong. so, i stopped shootin' and that crazy man gets me by the throat and starts screamin' to roll the film. i mean that guy's down there dying and he's screamin', "keep shooting! keep shooting!" then, he starts fighting me for the switch and it falls down. like a crazy house up there, with him thrashin' on the floor. he didn't care about burt. all he cared about was to get that man dyin' on film! sickest thing i ever seen! i better grab that cab. you tell 'em everything. don't mince words.