all right, this time you've had it! where is he?! thirty minutes is what you've got to get your goddamn equipment off this beach and out of town!. you tell eli cross if your men are on the streets after four o'clock, i'll throw their ass in jail! you said you'd be gone four days ago, before the season started. you lie, break promises. cross, i've gone out of my way, but this time. don't treat me like these other morons! you know goddamn well what's eating me is that duesenberg on the bottom of the river with the dead man in it! i mean, that is a goddamn public bridge and a public river! you go there without permits, without any precautions and get a man killed! no more bullshit explanations. just go. before i figure out how to hang you with a manslaughter charge! how did you get out of the car? don't go away, burt. i want you. i'm not talking to you. i understand you got that film out of the duesenberg. i'm talking to this gentleman. we want to see it. you can tell your mr. cross this inquiry comes from a source so high it is not his to question. . it is his to do it, or else. someone they're looking for may have been on that road when the car went off. burt, you see anybody? hey, did you have red hair before?. a couple of telephone linemen say they saw him headed this way. i know about fifty guys who don't think so. the minute that film gets here you give me a call. this fellow here is the stunt man driving that car. thompson is from the fbi. they wanted you here in case they have any questions. hey burt, glad you're still alive, considering who you're working for. you can stop clowning, eli, i've got a sworn complaint from this sailor. . your man over there touched his genitals. how do you guys get accident insurance? must cost you an arm and a leg. . that's a good one. my boys. can't recognize 'em. how could i say no, after all the crap they've taken because of this company the last six weeks? cameron? hey, they wanna know is the camera on? you guys want a ride back? he better not! any member of your company found within city limits after five o'clock tonight, gets shot on sight!