franklin. makeup test. it's for the film. i'm only old at the end of the story. no, don't do that. rescue me! oh come on, please. i always wanted someone to rescue me from something. oh hell, it's all ruined now and i wanted you to see the makeup, eli. where were you?. i even got raymond's autograph and he didn't know. you'd have been proud. hey! thank you! that was really gallant. rescuing an old lady! we should have waited, it wouldn't have been an hour. 74a they've entered the hotel. cameron continues to the bottom of the stairs, hesitates, looking back at nina. yes. it does look pretty high. are you worried about tomorrow? no. i'm sure it's safe. okay. what, right now? wait, i'm afraid of heights! what if i freeze up? oh, my god! it's terrifying! you can't jump from this. you'll get killed! it's crazy!. now stop that! . i'm going back. it's just dumb. to strut around trying to talk brave. yes. you are. you're trembling. light this, eli!!! and those bells are so interesting. imagine four hundred years ago by boat from amsterdam. thank you for the tour. it was so informative. i'm going to write my father. he's so interested in god and things like that. oh, for christ's sake. eli, get away with that thing! it's gotten to the point where i have to look under the stopper of the bathtub when i take a shower to make sure i've got some privacy! thank you one and all and good night! i'm so proud of you. i could just die! what's happening? what's going on? that's a daring touch, raymond! the rowboat. terribly symbolic. hi lancelot. what's a nice boy like you doing in a place like this? going to rescue the maiden from the boat? don't let the fact that eli treats you as an equal go to your head. you're not! i'm sorry, eli. that's right. what goes on in that dim little head of yours? how dare you open your mouth to him like that? have you the vaguest idea what he's trying to say to people with this film?!. that man is the most dedicated, kindest! that's twice for me today. now. and when i watched you do the stunt. i have to study my scene for tomorrow. the old lady at the cemetery. it's brutal. i set the clock in case we dozed off. i start out as a young girl hiding this american flyer. i'm austrian. will ya turn off the clock? anyway, his patriotism is stronger than his love and he leaves me with another little patriot in my belly. honey, you'll ruin it. take it off. the clock's electric. it'll ring forever. what's wrong? what are you doing? did you fall on your head today? why? do you want to leave? i can't make love with the clock ringing. i can't tell you how pleased i was with your conduct. when you congratulated me after my scene this afternoon, all the other glowing tributes faded to nothing. nevertheless, i'm cancelling your invitation to an intimate party given by my parents, who arrived unexpectedly to honor me on the occasion of my birthday. but don't feel too badly. as consolation for a lovely evening missed, i'm presenting you with the "good-sport- of-the-month" award. mr. baum, will you notify this young savage that it's customary to cover one's privates when accepting an award? it's one of the common courtesies, like. congratulating people. for fucking the director, honey. didn't you know that's how little girls get into the movies? i'm sorry it got so late. that damn five o'clock makeup call. i feel as bad as you do. will you take a raincheck? . a permanent one? good night. get out of here! get out!!! i'll have you thrown out! i am not your girl! i am that man's girl! that man and i have been lovers for six months! i've known you two days! don't you dare be clever with me! he came scratching at the door tonight like a beaten dog, begging me to say that you were some twenty- four hour nonsense. . and i had to tell him i thought i was falling in love with. goddamn you! the wounded stud! he is entitled to some dignity! to lose his "pure and faithful lover" without the new boy barging in! where do you suppose he is now? get out! get the hell out!! you don't have the right to breathe! i knew him before i met you! do you understand that?! before i met you!! if we were frightened, we woke each other in the dark. we slept in each other's arms. all right, the word is fuck! you narrow, insensitive, stupid! believe in what? you're blushing. a place where what? don't get embarrassed at this late date! raymond's lover! raymond's lover! say it! raymond's lover! i'll have it typed up and notarized! raymond's lover! and you will sign where it says, agreed! you won't turn me into some rotten whore because your papa once told that a woman is a certain way "and that's how it's gonna be 'til gabriel blows his horn" don't get hiccups. no. yes. god, i don't know what's wrong with me. what? it was so unnecessary. for christ's sake, i'm no shrinking violet. i've had my ass pinched black and blue by account execs for not showing enough enthusiasm for vitalis. but this from eli. it was so pointless. sadistic. say it was an accident. benefit of the doubt. but then to use me that way. like a gadget. why would eli do that? he's not a cruel man. what? what in god's name are you babbling about?! what is going on in that head of yours?! you take the word of some. malcontent. technician! and i saw eli that night when he had to tell burt's brother on the phone. i saw the tears. didn't they give i.q. tests in the army? what did you get. minus twelve? haven't you figured out yet why he's working himself to death? what his film is all about? he's trying to tell people not to kill each other! stop it. sweetheart. i'd die if anything happened to you. it's my father. i won't talk to him. you're all driving me crazy. i won't talk to him.! tell them i'm not here. tell them anything. tell them i'm working. i'd say fine. but there's just one more day of shooting. i. i have two more scenes. i could meet you. look, don't do the stunt! if you believe eli's a killer, call the police. why are you doing this to me? that's all i need right now, with all i've been through!. for you to give me now-or-never ultimatums and tell me my director is insane!. i hate this, damn it! couldn't you have done it without me? what did you want me to do? take him in the back room and unzip his fly every time he fluffed a line? what else can i do for your film? it was awful. i hated it. but you did save that man's life. eli, what's wrong? that's not fair. you sound as crazy as. he thinks you're trying to. . harm him. the desk clerk. who are you? who the hell are you? i'm asking you, god damn. why do they want you? what did you do? what about the roadblocks? don't you suppose there'll be cops in the woods. i've always liked the woods at night. they're very romantic. you can hunt for truffles. it might be such fun, we'd just keep going. that's true. one of them is three pages of me making a tunafish salad for an american flyer in 1917. and i've got to weigh that against losing the man i love. it's a big decision. i'm sorry. i'm a little crazy myself. i can't let you go and i don't even know who you are. why are they chasing you?! what have you done? what happens to me in the woods? will i need a bayonet too? 179c he stands there, staring at her, his face suddenly savage. after everything, the lady is afraid of him. he picks up the duffel bag and moves for the door, then turns on her, punishing her with his words. why? your hand! oh, baby. let me go to the bathroom. i'm gonna have an accident. oh, my god. he died? oh, no. oh, god. too late. thanks a lot! i'm sure mr. cross will understand when you tell him that miss franklin had a sudden desire for swedish pancakes for breakfast and this gentleman had a sudden desire to keep me company. i'm nina franklin, the star of the film. that's all right, we'll find some place. then we'll drive to cape long. are you telling me that if i decide to take a drive at any time of the day or night or whenever i damn please, i need mr. cross's permission? mr. cross does not control me or anyone else, including this gentleman and he does not control the public roads! and what about the love story? what happens to the austrian girl? people will leave the movie feeling terrible. i know! she goes with him! in here. no. look. see how big it is? comfortable, too. honestly, honey, it's a better ending. and what happens in the morning? do i show up on the set in my little pink pinafore and say, "hi, eli. where's my hug and kiss?" how do i do that now? or should i trot up to my room to catch a couple of winks and cuddle up with a dozen sleeping pills? so am i. and i never claimed not to have "neurotic problems!" i can't come any further. what should i do? i'll get the dress all muddy and i need it for the next scene. they found me five minutes after you left. i felt ridiculous. when eli told me you'd changed your mind and decided to do the stunt, at first i didn't believe him, but i guess you really did. i tried to find you. i'm sure glad you two made up! boy, lucky, were you wonderful. i guess i have to go now. see you after.