i told him to grip the ball more gently. like a tit. pedro berroa. third year. hasn't developed like we hoped. forty-five. 3000. when i was fifteen. salvador torres. been practicing with the team for almost a week. still raw, but he's got a lot of potential. soon. soon. we want to play it low- key, see what his agent says. they've gotten two offers from other clubs. agent says they were around a hundred. he's good. miguel santos. great arm. we signed him two years ago for fifteen. sugar! show us your curve. give him the ball. vamos! let's go! pitch it! i am very disappointed. just when i was starting to like you guys, you go and do something stupid. what do you have to say for yourselves? --no excuses. this is unacceptable behavior. you guys need to learn discipline. because nobody's gonna take this shit from a couple dominican rookies when you go to the u.s. for spring training this season.