dreams? you mean, like, where i'm in conan's all leather apartment - i don't know if he has one, that's why it's a dream - and suddenly we're buck-naked and all oiled up. i don't know where the oil comes from - again, that's why it's a dream. that's not true. those pictures of christ - all sweaty and bare-chested on the cross - always kinda made me hot. i just got a little squishy. holy shit. wait! did you say you are pregnant or you were pregnant. you had it, threw it out and you're gonna go back and dance all night! i can't believe they have the "top ten alternatives to sex for you and your boyfriend" and "watching each other masturbate" isn't even listed! another sex dream? di, are you okay? we can skip the girl party this week. did you guys hear that in china - or one a those places that makes the really cheap silk shoes and kids are super smart - that as a reward for good grades, mothers get their kids hookers to blow 'em? huh. musta been a dream. i'm in, too. kansas is right. we're like sisters -- we're closer than sisters. and you don't turn your back on family. and you know real cops aren't half as smart as keanu. conan went to harvard. he slices off the guy's ear, and i mean you see everything - the bloody pink hole where the -- well. uh. they, y'know, uh. they had nicknames. di, we're sorry. we. ahh! baby's got two heads!!! really? you were cell mates with her? oh my g-d, she was my hero! did she tell you what letterman's house was like? what?! is jack upset that he can't be here? use the bathroom, because the port-a potties on the field are gross. i personally think of how conan started as a writer, then became a. so, y'know, what are you, anorexic or bulimic? don't make me hate you. i can't believe your grandparents never come down here. this is great. what do we do? threaten people with a trunk full of parts? i just pulled and it - it came off. look, it's really not my fault. sorry, kansas. oh for chrissakes. "white trash betty." i didn't realize the rules went into effect before we entered safeway. can you guys believe this? we're like celebrities! di? i just called to say that conan talked about us again last night. bye.