i bet they have something similar. they probably just have another name for it. how'd you like the service? our church? hope it wasn't too boring for you. did you go to church in the dominican republic? s'okay. you understand more than a lot of folks around here i bet. so listen, me and some friends are hanging out later. you should stop by my house after the game. it's gonna be super chill. grandma can take you there, but here. can i borrow a pen real quick? after the game. my house. good luck, tonight. hey miguel. c'mon inside. oh, miguel. you're so sweet. congratulations, i heard you pitched awesome. hey everybody, this is miguel. he's from the dominican republic, and now he pitches for the swing. hey guys, let's get started. everyone grab a seat. i'm so glad you all came. last year, we didn't have half as many people in our group. so, i think this just goes to show the great work we've been doing in spreading the word. but this year, i want us to work harder. now, i know a lot of you are studying for sats or working on college applications. and all of that is important, but we need to remember that our spiritual accomplishments are more important. what we do in school or for a job. that's just a small part of who we are. we're only here by the grace of god, so let's get out there and share that grace. how about you, miguel? what's your family like? yeah. like, who do you live with back home? he's in iraq. you like it here in iowa? i bet. you've traveled a long way, huh? god must have something special in mind for you. what happened there? tell me in spanish. sorry, i just. sorry. i should help clean up. we have another meeting thursday. if you can come. these are grandma's from the other night. we missed you at our meeting, thursday. it's okay, maybe next time. i gotta go actually, so--