buenas, miguelito! do you have any good news for your mother? you're going to the united states?! a knuckle curve? what's that? hello? you are my hero! it was your father's. i want you to take it with you. you've been given a wonderful gift, miguelito. and god willing, you will continue to do great things with it. i love you so much. everyone is so proud, miguelito. it's all we can talk about. of course. we just paid him. he's coming next week. me? what do i need? what? well, maybe i got some new shoes, but i'm not telling. dinner? don't forget who your real mother is, miguelito. are you going to prefer her cooking to mine now? everyone loves and misses you. strike one out for me, okay? miguelito, what is going on? frank called last night. where are you? oh, my god! what are you doing in new york? i don't understand. your team is looking for you. are you hurt? what does that mean, you can't play? we've been working for this your whole life, miguelito. oh, my god! you're so close. i don't understand. you have to go back. listen, miguel, my sweet sugar, call frank. they'll take you back. did i raise you like this? did i raise you to give up? what? what are you starting? where are you even staying? miguel-- miguel-- i got the photos you sent, but you'll have to send more. email? i don't even know how to use the tv! i'm sure i'll love it. thank you. she's good. got a job at the factory. just part-time, though, so she can keep up with school. he's pitching now. you should see him, miguel, got an arm like his brother. i will, sugar. i love you.