jorge! good to see you back in bridgetown! we've had dominicans, venezuelan boys, a colombian, one from panama, blacks and some americans. mostly spanish boys, though. johan santana, mendy lopez and ramon martinez all stayed with us. years ago. two-for-twelve in sacrifice situations. oh, that's being generous! i'd say four or five. put your things down. i'll show you around. this is the kitchen. help yourself to whatever you'd like. you can make a list of special foods you like to eat and put it here. oh, and over here, this drawer is a little funny. you have to be careful or. this is the washer and the dryer. for your clothes. you put the soap in this one. sopa. the other one's just hot air. caliente. your room is up here. el banyo. your new cuarto. bedroom. do with it as you please. just no girls. chicas? no chicas. i already told him that one. right. there's no real curfew, but you must be quiet after ten. si! that's all we ask. it's our job to keep you healthy and focused on baseball. miguel! time for dinner! dear lord. thank you for the meal we are about to eat. and for blessing us with our new guest. and guiding him safely on his journey from the dominican republic to bridgetown. and finally, lord. please look kindly over the swing this season. may all the players stay healthy and. well, why not?. if there's anything you can do to help us win another championship, we'll take that too. amen. i already told you, michael, he doesn't speak any english. you've been pitching so well. it's a real shame. oh, miguel, honey. i'm so sorry. you started dropping your arm in the third. i think that was your problem. earl. oh, honey, you don't have to do that. well, thank you, miguel.