what's up fellas!? never, never, never, drink from the hotel mini bar. that shit is expensive. you want beer, buy it at the store. you wanta see titties? they got magazines for that. don't pay in the hotel. the greatest thing about the states? you can order breakfast 24. 7. french toast is the best. it's nothing like dominican toast. french toast please. brad johnson. he just signed for a million dollars out of college. there's a lot of guys like that. but you can't let that intimidate you. everyone knows dominicans rule the game. sammy, manny, pedro. are you guys all from the same family? what, all dominicans look the same, now? this is miguel and marcos. up from boca chica. i injured my knee, asshole. but i'm healthy now. you'll see. fifty bucks you're still an asshole next month. don't worry, sugar. the higgins are good people. i stayed with them last time i played here. they have a no girls policy. thank you. this is miguel. i go now. take care of my friend. c'mon, bro, let's find you a suit. i didn't say buy a suit. i said find a suit. so when you make it big, you'll already know what looks good. hot damn! that's what's up! i love it! you look like an all-star, bro. "starting pitcher for american league. from kansas city. miguel. 'sugar'. santos." me? nah. i'm all washed up. dude. you have no idea. just wait till we go to big muddy's. you gotta be 21 to drink there. this is my old license. they won't know the difference. believe me; they won't know the difference. go for it, bro. but remember, just cause they dance with you, doesn't mean they want anything else. you ready? relax, sugar. it's the same game we played back home. that's all it is. just a game, man. so relax. let's have some fun. okay? see? just like home. that's it! there it is! it's not good. because i haven't been playing good. no. i'm working hard, but, i don't know. i think they might. listen, i can't talk now. terminator. oh, matrisse. very strong. you don't know the matrisse? with keanu? you okay? your parents visit here? grandmother. i had a good run. it's over. you know the drill. i'm not playing well, so they'll bring up somebody who is. sugar. they want me to fly back tonight. but i'm not going back. i gotta cousin in new york. where else? there's no work back home. my bonus won't last forever. relax sugar, i'll see you at yankee stadium someday. when the knights come to town. i'll be in the front row, getting drunk, and cheering the loudest. not for you though. yankee fans are crazy. i can't take the risk. i'll call you. you worry too much, sugar. i'll be okay. i mean, it's just a game, right? fuck you too, bro! me? what happened to you? i know. rafi said you took my old job. welcome to new york! i called the higgins to give my new number, but they said you split. i couldn't believe it, man, i had no idea. we all go through slumps you know. what was it then? whatever, man, you wouldn't be saying that shit if you made it. they call you sugar? they got all kinds in this league, bro. like fat cats in their forties, kids like you and me, dominicans, puerto ricans, even some white boys. i got this fifty year old catcher on my team, used to play for the dodgers. can't run for shit, but he's out there every week. belly out to here. my man can still go deep though. you ever hear from that kid, brad? caballo! this is miguel from san pedro. don't worry; he's ready. felipe! meet miguel. they call him sugar. felipe played for the dodgers triple-a team. hit a dinger off pedro once. twice.