all muscle, baby. rock solid. if you hustled half as much as him, maybe you'd be hungry too. how are you, sis? is that all you have to say? hello, abuela. you're looking beautiful. what's up my people? how's the tv? as a matter of fact, yes. not yet, ma. but i learned how to throw a knuckle curve. soon. it's just hard to find the time. i'm trying to match the chairs my dad made, but i can't get it right. i'll make you another when i'm done. um, another month, maybe two. you know we just did it where abuela's room is going to be. why not? we can do it in mom's kitchen next. right over there. you hope? c'mon, there's nobody better, baby. now you're talkin'. and when i do, i'll buy a cadillac, drive it through the ocean, and bring you back with me. yes! in the states they make cars that drive on water. you'll see who's crazy. just watch. i don't know. but i'll take you to new york city. yankee stadium. it snows there. you wanta see me play in yankee stadium? so we'll go for christmas. next christmas, we'll sail into yankee stadium in my cadillac car-boat. deal? then why'd you cut it last week? or a new girl. watch it, baby, that's a million-dollar arm you're messing with. this flabby rubberband can throw 95. what can yours do? 98? then why you washing windshields now? i saw you try and bumrush javy at the stoplight last week. have you been to new york? what's the city like? you hear anything about spring training yet? and? you'd tell me if you knew. wanna join us for dinner? good for you. congratulations. how much they offer you? oh, you know, more or less the same. did you get any other offers? just don't get cocky. no one likes a dickhead. welcome to the team. well it's like this. it started cause i'm sweet with the ladies. but mostly it's cause i got the sweetest knuckle curve in the whole republic. he's just jealous. we got you a going away present. no caps indoors, son! ten p.m. lights out! i think i have the flu, coach. i can't pitch today. everything? of course i'll be calling to keep you in check, make sure your grades don't slip. when? what's your name? thanks. i owe it all to you. it's pretty sweet. what's this for? where's your boyfriend? i don't know; the ugly one. okay, where's hector? so what about the good-looking one? i'm proud of you, sis. you're going to do great things too. we all know it. go on, i'll be out in a minute. and tell fernando to keep his dirty hands off my girl. i pitched against rob leonard today. yeah. you don't believe me? well, i got one strike at least. mmmm. it's different. i don't know. just different. like the food is really sweet. all the players are really good. no, not like me. of course not. but they're pretty good. i miss you, too. where did you learn english so good? like in high school, or something? nah, i'm gonna stay and work out a little. i'll catch up later. good catch. no. egg. egg, please. yes. french toast. french toast. scrambled. over easy. sunny. side. up. thank you. shit. what about you guys? i'm not with you guys? where is iowa? can't i stay with you guys? then why don't you stay with them again? ten. okay. thank you. did you get the money? good. and victor? can he start construction on the house again? i'll be sending money every two weeks now. what about you? you get something for yourself like i said? c'mon, mom. you didn't get anything? good for you, mom. i have to go, mom. the lady is calling me. smells like dinner. impossible. i love you, mom. i like. thank you. what up, flaco? yeah, okay. i can't afford a suit. you like it? what about you, man? you try one. c'mon. very nice. big muddy's? are you kidding me? nobody's gonna believe i'm this ugly fool. you think they know how to salsa? yo flaco! let's do it. i am sorry. i do not understand. but that wasn't my fault. i can go longer. my first. strike-out. no. thank you. soccer? no. baseball. foos-ball? mamaema. very bad. very bad word. mmm. like-- cock-sucker? okay, cocksucker. robinson cano for the yankees. i know him brother. and you? who is that? is dominican? baby ruth? el chocolate? girl? oh, she no es my girl. i don't know. i knew from the time i was very young i would be a good pitcher. ten, eleven years old. thanks to god, i have had the opportunity to develop my talents. y tu mama what? no, i don't know this. i like matrisse. he doesn't know matrisse? matrisse! i'm okay. i am okay. please. my family? i live with my mother, sister, brother. and abuela? and grandmother. my father, uh. he die. you have other child? yes. i like. many new things. very different. uh. when i boy. um. i don't know-- okay. when i was little, i wanted to eat some cherries from a tree. it wasn't our tree, and there was a fence to keep us kids away. so i climbed up the fence to knock down some cherries with a stick, but i when i took my first swing-- whoosh. i fell. there was a lot of blood. what happened? why? what about your knee? you just need some more time. you're recovering. when do you leave? tonight?! you're going to new york? good, good. i have a few. just kidding. i mean i would, but none of these white girls speak spanish. marcos plays in arizona. lots of mexicans; everyone speaks spanish. he has like fifteen girlfriends. he's probably lying though. jorge went to new york. no. our team cut him loose. he's got a cousin there. i don't know what he's going to do. it's not right. he got injured playing for them. they owe him another chance. he's worked too hard for too long. i mean he's not a horse. yeah. i know. things will be okay. what is your book? you study at, um, university? yes. little. secondaria? yes. a little of. high school. but i sign when i have sixteen years. if you no play baseball. what you do? sorry. i forget. you want sit? okay, go. holy shit! how'd you get here? okay. don't worry about it. good to see you. look, just remember. it's the same game we played back home. same rules, different place. just have fun. it's only a game. just do me a favor. don't give it away to the first white girl you meet. --i am work hard! everyday i work hard. i don't understand you. you speak too fast. i just don't understand! you told me last night. that one. fuck you, cocksucker! i'm sorry. no problem. i want to help. thank you, helen. i forgot something in the clubhouse. i'll be right back. is jorge working today? jorge ramirez. yeah! do you have a phone number for him? his old one isn't working. sorry. one room. i don't know. this also please. you speak spanish? is this your place? i like your work. oh, no, i mean. i don't know. i was passing by and thought maybe you might need some help. i know how to make furniture, and-- right. okay, thanks for your time. do you know any other places like this where i might find work? erica? new york. i can't play anymore. no. i'm fine. it just-- don't worry, mom. i have some money. we're going to be okay. i can't go back-- i didn't give up. i'm starting something new here. i have to go mom. the card's almost out of minutes. don't worry. i'm staying with a friend. i have a new job. it's all good. i'm sending money tomorrow. i love you. i'm sorry. hey, um, i was in here the other day. no. i'm actually looking for a job today. do you know anybody with a room for rent? yeah, you like baseball? not yet. how long have you worked here? do you have family here? my family's in the dominican. hi, um, do you remember me? that's okay. i already found one. i'm actually just trying to make a coffee table, and i'd like to buy some wood and supplies. i just moved here, you know, and i don't have a space to work. do you think i could do some work for you, help you clean up or whatever you need, in exchange for using your shop? you don't have to pay me. no. it's a gift for my mom. something i like to do. twenty. my dad. he was a carpenter in san pedro. yeah. i came to work. i used to play baseball. yeah. with my sister and brother. miguel. hello. is sofia at home?. yeah, it's miguel again. can you tell her. just tell her i called. where you from? so you never liked baseball? not even as a kid? who's your favorite player? c'mon, everybody has a favorite player: juan marichal, pedro martinez? jose canseco!? that's the best you can do? roberto clemente. shut up. i read this book where he said something like, "if you have the opportunity to help someone and don't, then you're wasting your life." and he was a carpenter too. for real. he used to make furniture during the off season. google? they didn't release me. i left a few days before the season ended. about two weeks ago. oh, you know, with a friend. but if you know somebody who needs a roommate. but i'm okay. i have some money saved, a couple friends. i'll go home to visit soon. do you know a place called ukraine? i know. i have tomorrow. no problem. frank. it's miguel. sorry for calling late. i'm in new york. i got a job, but i don't know if i'm going to stay. i know, but i thought maybe i could. i know. sorry. i don't know where to go. fuck you, man! what happened to you? i been looking for you for weeks. things got a little ugly after you left. it wasn't a slump. i don't know, but i wasn't gonna wait around for them to throw me out. i'm just saying. what can i say? the name sticks. okay, good. okay, mom, but you know it would be a lot easier if you opened an email account. i'm making a new table for you. it's going to be real nice. how's erica? and luis? yeah, but can he throw a knuckle curve? i miss you, mom. but, i'm working hard. i'll be home soon. give everyone a hug for me. i love you, too. i think so. me too! bridgetown. with the higgins! just like old times.