you've gotta show us your best game here. remember that, until you reach the top, there's always guys above you, hustling to keep you here. and guys below you pushing to take your job. we have 75 pitchers in this camp competing for less than 50 positions come april 3rd. so you gotta work hard. bring over leonard. welcome to america, kid. just relax. know your pitches. and take it easy. ground ball. okay? good game, kid. enjoy this. you hear that? it's for you, kid. nice play, kid. how's your foot? take it easy. don't force it. how's it feel? let him toss a few warm-ups. all right, kid. give it a rest. you're okay, i know, but let's just be sure. give me the ball, son. there was an injury to the wichita right-fielder. they called up brad this morning. he left you this. great, you guys know each other. sal's our new middle-relief man. throws a nasty cutter. you could learn a thing or two from him, santos. welcome to america, kid. i know it's hard when you don't perform up to your own expectations for yourself. but you need to learn self- control. can you understand what i'm saying? you need to learn that your actions have consequences. so we're gonna take the cost of the water unit you broke out of your next check. that's not something your family back home's gonna be too proud of. is it? so you should think real hard next time. think about channeling that frustration you're feeling onto the field. into practice. channel it into working harder-- so work harder, goddamnit! you think you're the only one on this team works hard? look, you may think i don't know what you're going through, but i do. i've been on the mound; i've played through pain. i've been in your exact situation before. i've struggled too. i've. you played with your emotions, and your emotions got the best of you. happens to everyone. it's just a nasty part of the game. nobody likes to admit it, but it is. the true test of our character as athletes. is how we come back. it's up to you. hardy! don't wander off; i gotta talk to you about that accountant. so, um, anyway, i'm bumping sal into your slot in the rotation. i'd like to see how you handle a relief spot.