all right, gillis. you've got five minutes. what's your story about? so they tell the kid to throw the world series, or else, huh? got a title? get the readers' department and see what they have on bases loaded. what's wrong with it? nothing for ladd? i'm sure you'll be glad to meet mr. gillis. he wrote it. this is miss kramer. name dropper. no, that was me. i said, who wants to see a civil war picture? carefull those are dirty words! you sound like a bunch of new york critics. thank you, miss schaefer. well, seems like zanuck's got himself a baseball picture. of course, we're always looking for a betty hutton. do you see it as a betty hutton? now wait a minute. if we made it a girls' softball team, put in a few numbers. might make a cute musical: it happened in the bull pen -- the story of a woman. sure, gillis. if something should come along - haven't got a thing. there's nothing, gillis. not even if you were a relative. could i? gillis, last year some- body talked me into buying a ranch in the valley. so i borrowed money from the bank so i could pay for the ranch. this year i had to mortgage the ranch so i could keep up my life insurance so i could borrow on the insurance so i could pay my income tax. now if dewey had been elected -