that's fantastic. see, if we're talking that kind of volume i can absolutely massage the numbers a little. seriously, you're not gonna be able to keep it on the shelf. i'll call you. not a problem. no problem at all. even better, i'll swing by. you're on my route. how `bout that? i'll swing by tomorrow. thursday then. that's better anyway. that'll give you a chance to take a look see on those other stores. we'll put everything on one order and get you a good price break. my advice to you - weed out some of this weaker product to make more space for the corn. like this. apricot fruit leather. whose bright idea was it to stock that? i mean come on, what self respecting kid asks his mom for apricot fruit leather? where'd you get those? come here. those were your grandma's. she'd watch birds with those. hey, hey. careful. why don't we put those away. because it's not a toy. it's a scientific instrument. you can play with them when i'm around to supervise. i'm tired now. who's going to private school? oscar get suspended again? the kid's a little strange. what? that's against the law now? it's not like he's out killing kittens or any damn thing. i swear everyone's so damn uptight these days. girls, come on. lets have a nice dinner. the hell with hinkle's, i'm taking us to disney land! yeah, what's wrong with disney land? and i think it'd be great if you girls worked together. world's finest corn snack. i'm not selling my house. no way. i don't care how much those idiots would shell out for it. i got history in that house. you think they understand about history? hey, the corn's good. really good. not like the pet food but that was a phenomenon. it'll get there. takes time to get to know the market. develop a relationship with the buyers. but it'll get there. who doesn't like popcorn for christ's sake. why would you buy a cow? mm hmm. what'd he do with the brains and intestines? so he cuts out the middle man. not a bad idea. course it'd be smarter to do that with something that didn't have bad parts. like. shrimp. rose is on the phone. norah? she says it's important. well, it's a candy. and a health food. absolutely. absolutely. glycerol monostearate? what is that? i can't even read that. read that. no. the first thing listed. the number one ingredient. exactly. corn. can you think of anything more wholesome? it's all american for christ's sake. i read where these chemicals are getting into the streams, making hermaphrodidic frogs! you think mothers want to expose their kids to that stuff? no way. more and more people are looking for healthy alternatives which is why the demand for this product is so huge right now. that was real good. you're a natural. you got the timing, you got the nerve. you're a real sharp cookie, you know that? you're not stupid. what are you saying? you're not stupid. don't say that. it's those teachers who are retarded. you're probably just too advanced for those classes. you're bored. do you get bored in class? see. you're too smart! and those teachers just don't know how to handle you. you're probably a goddamn genius. i know so! you're back early. what are you talking about? you can't quit real estate. you're gonna be great at real estate. you got the whole look and besides, that's where everything's headed. hell, it's what i should have done forty years ago. make me something happy too. now sherm's gonna say he's against the wall but don't you believe him. there's always some wiggle room. the girls have started up their own specialized cleaning business. crime scene and trauma clean-up. what's the play on that? ask him about the bumper. the dented bumper. we were over at motor mart on lomas earlier. they got a nice looking chevy g series for eighteen. no, no. that was a whole big mess. yeah, that's been a while now. dropped the luggage around the time your other lot when out of business. i know. hey, i think you should have done this a long time ago. let me see that. you gotta get two hydrants with a matching amount. see? none of your fire hydrants match. and three zeros is a thousand dollars. you woulda won a thousand dollars but it doesn't match anything. you toss it and try the next one. whoa now. hold up there kiddo. that's not your money. that's my money. yes you did. you scratched the ticket that i bought. and we're not going to spend the money. we're going to invest the money. see, that's the difference between a regular person and somebody with business acumen. that's a good word for you to know. a-cu-men. means smarts. bobby! joe lorkowski here. i told you i'd call. yeah well, i got the money and we're in. but you gotta throw in twenty bags of ice. you got twenty bucks and you want three pizza's. they cost five dollars each and you have a coupon for two dollars off. hey, how'd you come up with that? the thing is oscar. and this is important to learn early. life is sales. buying and selling. it's the core of social interaction. and human beings are social beings. no, no, no, no, no. stupid shit heap! it's alright. everything's okay. come on, come on, come on, come on. make like you're crying. weird. i'm busy here. those snotty restaurant fucks wouldn't buy my shrimp. some bullshit about health codes or whatever. i don't believe that shit for a second. don't. don't start with me. bastards completely shut me out. they got their own little cartel. little restaurant mafia. i bet they screwed with my car too. i wouldn't put it past `em. bunch of shady mother fuckers. i can't. i can't watch oscar today rose. yeah, well it's hard, isn't it? raising a kid on your own. try two. that other pair we looked at, full of gadgets and gimmicks. these here are the real deal. i want you to have them. no rose, i want to him to have these. eight by thirty jenoptems. no marks on the objectives. perfect bloom. where are you going? where? don't sell the van. no, listen. just don't sell the van. just don't sell the van yet. okay? rose tells me you make models. any money in that? there's something i wanted to talk to you about. well, i was wondering if i could move in with you and oscar. just temporarily - until i find a place. i didn't lose the house. i sold the house. there's this business opportunity-- it's not just some get rich quick scheme. and i got a partner who has experience. i'd learn from her. don't make a big deal out of it. it's a business lie, not a real lie. and you'd be the boss.