i so don't care. fuck. the fact that we have sex, real coitus sex, means i'm under no obligation to blow you. i'm not scared of it. dad, get the phone. hello. i know, i know. sorry. i brought fancy corn! you're welcome. he's slowly freezing to death and he knows lobsterman is out there. somewhere. coming for him. and he's totally screwed because his tongue is stuck to the mailbox. i don't know. maybe he had ocd and he was obsessed with licking mailboxes. are you gonna let me tell the story? an then, he hears a horrible sound. snap, snap, drag. snap, snap, drag. lobsterman is coming. he's trapped. if he doesn't rip the skin off his tongue and make a run for it lobsterman will tear him to pieces with his razor sharp claws. it's about time. i thought your class got over at 9:30. said he was scared. i think he was fakin' it though. i'm not taking money. nothing. it was just mr. kim being a dick head. yeah, before mrs. kim started working there. now he's a full on gym teacher, i swear to god. oh please, you love it when i fuck up. love it. me screwing up gives you the hugest woody. there was a diner scene earlier. with a waitress. completely pie free. rose, you buy generic cigarettes with couch change. how are you gonna pay for private school? no thanks. i don't think you're in any position to feel superior. you are so out of touch. think they loved each other? i'm sleeping. what do you want? i'm sleeping. no. you suck. you still suck. you didn't get me coffee? of course i. how long is this gonna take? there is no way. maybe if you'd gotten me a coffee. i'm standing here. what do we do with that? it seems wrong though doesn't it. to throw everything away. i bet this is her. wow, look at this. think it's her daughter? shouldn't we do something? try to find her or something? what if she doesn't know? wouldn't you want to know if this was mom? i wonder how she died? smelly. stinky. great. you freaked him out. turns out it's against the law to throw bio hazards in the dumpster. who knew? how perfect was he with the one arm? the creepy guy. do you think he was born like that? dude, he has one arm. we are a couple of hacks. stop here. i gotta thing. just drop me off here. you have class tonight? heather's pregnant again. did you know that? he's never going to leave her. god, you're pathetic. what? i'm not following you. what? that's all right. no. no i don't. it was a mistake. no big deal. let's press the alarm button. me? no. hobby. there's this gorilla who knows sign language and i've always thought that would have to be the most amazing thing ever. you know? to actually talk to a gorilla. koko. kitten died. it wasn't koko's fault. she was heartbroken. that's what's so cool about it. no, don't. it's fine. not exactly. oh, excellent. bow-chicka-bow-bow. can i drive? ice cream hut! how cool to live across from the ice cream hut. yeah well, what about dad? ahh! lick around the base. secure the perimeter. don't you teach this kid anything? yeah. my sister. had i known about the juice boxes. i just wanted to give her the pictures. relax, i didn't give them to her. it's just three blocks away. it's not like i'm never gonna see you. it just means your mom wasn't married when she had you. it's no big deal. in a couple of years you're gonna find it's a free pass to cool. you'll probably start a band called bastard son. use it to impress the chicks. trust me, the whole bastard thing. it's working for you. what was that? she okay? you made it seem so fun. oh my god, is that the needle? it's a fucking cocktail straw. you might have oversold it. feels hot. my friend's having a thing tonight. never mind. nothing it's. you wouldn't like it. i knew you wouldn't have any fun here. lambs breath. straight edge? she's mormon. what? you don't drink? all right, you're kind of freakin me out. you should just tell people you're mormon. yes. yes, he is. i need more beer. um. can i get you anything? shh. hello. yeah, i'm watching it now. we are. you went to that thing. wait. i thought you went to that thing. i thought you went to the thing. what do you mean you went to part of it? it was a one day thing. side tracked? oh my god, you humped carl! that's disgusting. sure. on so many levels. listen, randy i think we should stop hanging out. yeah, i don't. i should, but i don't. and you're a really great guy. but. i don't care if you have sex with the rabbit lady. and i mean, it seems like i should care about that. ever been trestling? no. the person is gone. it's weird `cuz we're connected to them in this strangely intimate way. but we never actually meet them. it's just kind of weird. i have seen a dead body once though. my mom. she was in a movie of the week once, ya know. a bunch of hollywood people were filming down in old town. they thought my mom was so beautiful and so talented that they gave her a speaking part. you want to hear it? `i recommend the pecan pie.' that was her line. it was on tv and everything. me and rose, we didn't actually see it but rose says mom talked about it all the time. i don't remember. i don't remember her much at all. i have this box of her stuff though, little things she touched. when it seems like she never even really existed. it's proof. all right. this is where we climb. up to that girder. best place to be when it comes. you're gonna miss the best part. it's like. it's like this big pissed off god up in your face just screaming at you. so close you can smell the metal on his breath. it is. i'm telling you. i didn't mean to bum you out with the whole mom stuff. i just thought you would. i don't know, i guess i thought. he's coming. rose, wait for me. sneaky fucker. i think i broke my hand. no. but it hurts like a mother. ow! i just. i found them. i was gonna tell you. at work. we did this job a while back. this woman. i wanted to tell you. that first day. that's why i-- i think. you know, i think there's a reason that i found them. the pictures. because that lead me to you, right? wait. please. don't. i-- blow off the shower. so tell him we can't do it. so, don't go to the damn baby shower. it's not like you ever even liked paula. shit. oh my god, you're the cutest thing ever. did you get left behind? it's okay. no, no, no. fuck! it was an accident. it was an accident. jesus rose, calm down. well, if you had been here to help me but no, you're off desperately trying to impress stupid high school people who don't even matter. prove to your old cheerleading squad that you're not this huge loser. if you had been here doing your job it wouldn't have happened. so don't try to put all this on me. oh, go ahead and play the martyr. it's like your favorite thing. i am so sick of all your holier than thou bullshit. why don't you take a look at you're own life, huh? you're a real inspiration. fuck you. i'm done being your excuse. no. i need to talk to lynn. why are you acting like this? why haven't you called me back. what's that supposed to mean? here. sorry i'm late. hey. winston cleans up pretty good. i read somewhere that beauty is really all about symmetry. like having eyes the same size and all that. so, you know, when you factor that in he's like, hot. listen, i know i fucked up, okay? like really huge and i know that and i'm sorry, okay? i really am sorry. but it really isn't all my fault, rose. you finished? what are you going to do now? i've got my own ideas. winston? no. you gonna open my present? the guy said that if you're careful they'll last a whole month. and these aren't stupid kiddie unicorns and shit. they're all based on classic biker designs. li'l bastard. i'm thinking of taking a road trip. haven't worked it all out yet. i was thinking i could maybe take the van. what? Me too. 125: green revision 3. 5. 07 2. 4 continued: 4 green revision 3. 5. 07 2a. 4 continued: 4 green revision 3. 5. 07 4. 11 continued: 11 carl guy's all over the place and every little glob of him's a biohazard. green revision 3. 5. 07 5. 12 continued: 12 green revision 3. 5. 07 6. 13 continued: 13 green revision 3. 5. 07 6a. 14 continued: 14 green revision 3. 5. 07 7. 14 continued: 14 green revision 3. 5. 07 8. 16 continued: 16 green revision 3. 5. 07 9. 18 continued: 18 green revision 3. 5. 07 10. 19 continued: 19 green revision 3. 5. 07 11. 19 continued: 19 green revision 3. 5. 07 12. 20 continued: 20 green revision 3. 5. 07 14. 22 continued: 22 green revision 3. 5. 07 15. 22 continued: 22 green revision 3. 5. 07 16. 23 continued: 23 green revision 3. 5. 07 17. 25 continued: 25 green revision 3. 5. 07 19a. 28 continued: 28 green revision 3. 5. 07 19b. 29 continued: 29 green revision 3. 5. 07 19c. continued: green revision 3. 5. 07 20. 31 continued: 31 green revision 3. 5. 07 20a. 32 continued: 32 green revision 3. 5. 07 21. 32 continued: 32 green revision 3. 5. 07 22. 35 continued: 35 green revision 3. 5. 07 23. 40 continued: 40 green revision 3. 5. 07 24. 40 continued: 40 green revision 3. 5. 07 25. 42 continued: 42 green revision 3. 5. 07 26. 44 continued: 44 green revision 3. 5. 07 26a. 47 continued: 47 green revision 3. 5. 07 27. 47 continued: 47 green revision 3. 5. 07 27a. 50 continued: 50 green revision 3. 5. 07 28a. 52 continued: 52 green revision 3. 5. 07 28b. 52 continued: 52 green revision 3. 5. 07 29-30. 52 continued: 52 green revision 3. 5. 07 31. 53 continued: 53 green revision 3. 5. 07 32. 54 continued: 54 green revision 3. 5. 07 34. 58 continued: 58 green revision 3. 5. 07 35. 58 continued: 58 green revision 3. 5. 07 36. 60 continued: 60 green revision 3. 5. 07 37. 60 continued: 60 winston steamers, buffers, foggers, that kinda stuff's in there, for rent or purchase. quick absorbing sawdust, good for vomit. green revision 3. 5. 07 38. 61 continued: 61 green revision 3. 5. 07 39. 62 continued: 62 green revision 3. 5. 07 41. 67 continued: 67 green revision 3. 5. 07 42. 67 continued: 67 green revision 3. 5. 07 43. 67 continued: 67 green revision 3. 5. 07 44. 71 continued: 71 green revision 3. 5. 07 45. 73 continued: 73 green revision 3. 5. 07 46. 74 continued: 74 green revision 3. 5. 07 46a. 76 continued: 76 green revision 3. 5. 07 47. 76 continued: 76 green revision 3. 5. 07 47a. 76 continued: 76 green revision 3. 5. 07 48. 76 continued: 76 green revision 3. 5. 07 50. 79 continued: 79 green revision 3. 5. 07 51. 79 continued: 79 green revision 3. 5. 07 51a. 81 continued: 81 green revision 3. 5. 07 52. 82 continued: 82 green revision 3. 5. 07 53. 85 continued: 85 green revision 3. 5. 07 54. 86 continued: 86 green revision 3. 5. 07 55. 87 continued: 87 green revision 3. 5. 07 56. 88 continued: 88 green revision 3. 5. 07 57. 89 continued: 89 green revision 3. 5. 07 58. 91 continued: 91 green revision 3. 5. 07 59. 93 continued: 93 green revision 3. 5. 07 59a. 95 continued: 95 green revision 3. 5. 07 60. 95 continued: 95 green revision 3. 5. 07 60a. 96 continued: 96 oscar they've got an internal stabilizer thingy that's electronic so if you're in a speed boat or something it won't matter and. green revision 3. 5. 07 61. 96 continued: 96 green revision 3. 5. 07 62. 97 continued: 97 green revision 3. 5. 07 63. 97 continued: 97 green revision 3. 5. 07 64. 99 continued: 99 green revision 3. 5. 07 65. 99 continued: 99 green revision 3. 5. 07 66. 100 continued: 100 green revision 3. 5. 07 67. 103 continued: 103 green revision 3. 5. 07 69. 106 continued: 106 joe you figure you'll tip the delivery guy a couple bucks but the delivery guy turns out to be a lady. real sizzler. so you give her a crisp five. how much do you have left? green revision 3. 5. 07 69a. 108 continued: 108 green revision 3. 5. 07 70. 109 continued: 109 green revision 3. 5. 07 72. 112 continued: 112 green revision 3. 5. 07 73. 114 continued: 114 green revision 3. 5. 07 74. 115 continued: 115 green revision 3. 5. 07 75. 117 continued: 117 green revision 3. 5. 07 75a. 120 continued: 120 green revision 3. 5. 07 76. 120 continued: 120 green revision 3. 5. 07 77. 120 continued: 120 green revision 3. 5. 07 78. 120 continued: 120 green revision 3. 5. 07 78a. 123 continued: 123 green revision 3. 5. 07 80. 125 continued: 125 green revision 3. 5. 07 81. 129 continued: 129 green revision 3. 5. 07 82. 130 continued: 130 green revision 3. 5. 07 83. 130 continued: 130 norah and i don't know exactly what went on between you and your mom. what the situation was. but it just seems like. you know, of anybody, i would understand. green revision 3. 5. 07 84. 132 continued: 132 green revision 3. 5. 07 85. 132 continued: 132 green revision 3. 5. 07 85a. 134 continued: 134 green revision 3. 5. 07 86. 134 continued: 134 green revision 3. 5. 07 87. 136 continued: 136 green revision 3. 5. 07 87a. 138 continued: 138 green revision 3. 5. 07 88. 138 continued: 138 green revision 3. 5. 07 89. 139 continued: 139 green revision 3. 5. 07 89a. 142 continued: 142 green revision 3. 5. 07 90. 143 continued: 143 green revision 3. 5. 07 91. 144 continued: 144 green revision 3. 5. 07 92. 145 continued: 145 green revision 3. 5. 07 93. 147 continued: 147 green revision 3. 5. 07 94. 149 continued: 149 green revision 3. 5. 07 95. 151 continued: 151 green revision 3. 5. 07 96. 151 continued: 151 green revision 3. 5. 07 97. 153 continued: 153 green revision 3. 5. 07 98. 153 continued: 153 green revision 3. 5. 07 100. 157 continued: 157 green revision 3. 5. 07 101. 158 continued: 158 green revision 3. 5. 07 101a. 159 continued: 159 green revision 3. 5. 07 103. 162 continued: 162 joe they just didn't have the heft you want in a pair of lenses. no weight. no history. green revision 3. 5. 07 103a. 162 continued: 162 green revision 3. 5. 07 104. 163 continued: 163 green revision 3. 5. 07 104a. 163 continued: 163 green revision 3. 5. 07 105. 163 continued: 163 green revision 3. 5. 07 106. 164 continued: 164 green revision 3. 5. 07 107. 164 continued: 164 green revision 3. 5. 07 108. 167 continued: 167 green revision 3. 5. 07 110. 170 continued: 170 green revision 3. 5. 07 111. 173 continued: 173