well, there's several ways to go . i have a lot of repeat business. people seem to like my service. what's that big black scar on the ground? like a fire. now we could put in rhododendrons or lilacs. depending on how alkaline your soil is. uh, no thanks, i don't drink during the day. really, i'm not thirsty. now i could put in some honeysuckle there and there. what is it? well, just one. i'll drink to that. hmmm. delicious! now, about my fee. rhododendron. . .honeysuckle. . . god. you're beautiful. wait. don't leave me in here. what's happening? let me out. i have to talk to you. don't leave me. when can i see, you again ? the girl. where is she? it never hit me like this before. i love her. my angel. where is she? i love her, don't you understand? i'll die if i can't have her. no, not her. the blonde, the one who carried us through the air:. she can fly. she's an angel. no! she's real ! i saw her ! oh no, not you again. they think i have a concussion. i know it. why should i believe you? then i'm not the only one who saw her. you did too! but she is real, it wasn't just a concussion. nurse! nurse! nurse! nurse! help ! get her away from me. she's crazy. leave me alone. i don't want your help. no! never! no. she'll come for me. like she did the last time. my angel. no. i don't believe you. it's not true. she's alive somewhere. my angel. my love-- you're alive! she didn't kill you! that woman who's after me. she hates you. because she knows i love you. my angel. my goddess. i feel i've always loved you all my life. i'll die if i can't spend the rest of my life just looking at you, holding you in my arms. i know just the place. hang a left at the amalgamated tower. this is my favourite place in the city. they don't care, they're tearing it down for a shopping centre. like it? where superman's from? krypton? i'm sorry, i don't understand. come on, let's ride. i used to work here summers when i was a kid. let's talk about us, not her. i don't want you to go near her. she's bad news. i'll be safe with you. we can stay together the rest of our lives. why not ? just give me a chance to show how much i love you. love changes everything. love makes everything possib1e. you don't like me? you hate me? what do you feel about me? there's one sure way to find out how you feel. let me kiss you. you're not afraid are you? if we wait until we understand everything we'll be dead. come on. you can learn more from one kiss than from years in school. terrific. supergirl'? it's paradise . we could be very happy here. you can't just abandon me. alone. great! i'ii build a house-- right over there, with a veranda looking out to sea. and i'll plant a garden! papayas, pineapples, bananas, mangoes--- anything'll grow here. and i'ii fish in the lagoon, and we can go sailing in a dugout canoe, and--- she said it wouldn't last. i don't love you any more. like turning off a light. i feel awful. all that romantic garbage. all that mushy talk. away. from you. because you remind me of all the dumb things i said. that makes it worse. of course you don't. we're from two different worlds, remember? hi. i'm not mad at you. i know i was acting funny---i'm sorry. it's just. i miss it. what i had before. what's not there now. it's like i woke up and found part of me wasn't there any more: something that made me feel really alive and aware of things. it was like, for the first time in my life, everything fitted together perfectly---you and me and the world around us--like we were a wonderful song. and now. the guitars are out of tune, and the words don't make sense, and somebody unplugged the mike. you think so? but what if---it wasn't real? hey, listen, when all this blows over, maybe we could get together every now and then and see each other. and maybe something might. happen again. what do you think? why not? you're a good-looking girl. and i'm--- available. she'll forget about us eventually. i know what it is. she has this lead container shaped like a gargoyle. inside there's a silvery ring. in this big old house on orchard avenue---but you better stay away from there. wait. don't leave me. before you go. just one kiss. for old times' sake. yes. i'm wise to your tricks, lady. if that worked, you would've done it already. no, you want me to drink it of my own free will. well let me tell you, sweetheart, it'll be a cold day in hell before i fall for that one again. you vicious-- yeah. hmmm? a little. i'll mention it upstairs. she's gone. no one will ever see her again. i did. what's going on? i don't know. you seem afraid. supergirl? you're not going to hurt her, are you? well. i guess i can't. why the empty cage? what? she has hostages. it's her shadow-self! her dark side! turn it against her. i've got it! the power source! it is you, then, really? it's you all right. i couldn't help what i did, before. she drugged me. no thanks. i have friends in the resistance. they'll vouch for me. i figure i might get a million bucks for my memoirs. she's right. they'll string her up.