nice to meet you. lucy's told me all about you. your cousin clark taught me everything i know about the newspaper business. do you have any theories about last night? how lucy and that guy got to the hospital. and all that damage at the school. the police are calling it a freak tornado. i'd like to interview you for the daily- - -- planet. i mean, you were there. do you think it was natural, or like some people are claiming, supernatural? can i quote you? oh, sure. where is your cousin clark, by the way? i knew it ! he's working on a hot scoop ! gosh, what do you suppose .that is? can i give you a lift? it's no trouble. i'd like to ask you some more questions. i probably would've got a ticket without this press pass on the windshield. does clark get many tickets? an escaped wacko! what a picture! say---you think that's the same guy who was in the accident with lucy? the scoop of the year! there goes my pulitzer prize. darn! hey lady, did you see that? the girl---dressed like superman--caught that guy in mid-air. how do you know? did anybody notice you? lucy! be serious. we could be executed for treason! i sure wish superman was around. he wouldn't let any of this go on. not for one minute. i heard stories. i don't think you wanna know. the blonde girl who saved your life---where is she now? i've been in love with you for years. remember how you used to visit your sister in the newsroom? and put your fingerprints on my lens. you were? you mean we could've been. you-know-what. all this time? why didn't you tell me? hey, what gives?