what are you making: what's a tree? where is earth? yes, i know the equations---i just can't see it in my head. i don't understand. can you create life? i'm here, mother. i'm sorry, mother. i'm sorry. i didn't know. i am almost an adult. this is what i want. it was my fault we lost the power source. i allowed it to escape the city. yes, i do want to go. but someone must go. our scanning shows the power source has finally reached the earth. it could destroy everything unless someone brings it back. why haven't you been able to contact him? he should have returned from the neutron galaxy ages ago. he may be dead. i'll have super powers there. like him. we can't wait. our lights are fading. look around you. when i was a child the city was bright and shining. look at it now. don't worry, mother, i'll be all right. i've studied the transmissions from earth. i know their customs. then i will learn to act strange like them. i have made clothing and copies of their money, i will be fine. as brave as my father. as wise. mother? i can hardly hear you. i'm lost, mother. in some awful place. i can't fly anymore. and i'm weak. then send someone else. i failed. but mother, i'm lost. mother---i tried. i really tried.