oh, yes. knocking. the pre-entry signal. i forgot. i'm linda lee. the letter's in your files. under k, for kent. i mean, it would probably be there, if you received it. i can do that. there isn't any. i have money to buy more, but i haven't had a chance since. i'd rather not talk about it. my cousin clark is my only relative on earth. thank you. you're very kind. she did that deliberately. must've been a defective puck. but what for? uh, yes, mr. danvers. the answer is 5,271,009,010. it was just a trim. no thanks. you go on. mother! is it you? where are you??? mother, this world is so big. i don't know where to begin to look. but why? i have super powers. nothing can hurt me. no, mr. danvers. i'd love to. thank you both so much. it was a lovely lunch, mrs. danvers. i had a wonderful time. and you're a terrific chess player mr. danvers. sure. mate in five moves. and there goes my king. got to hand it to you, i didn't see it coming. well, bye. oh, i don't know. i'm not signed out for an overnight. it doesn't seem right. look at that guy! why is he acting so strangely? lucy; come back! hey, that's my roommate's car! nice to meet you. i'm afraid i have some bad news about your car. theories? i believe there's a rational explanation for everything. but i don't know what it is. he's nice. he's off doing a top secret uh, investigation. well, lucy, it's nice to see you're feeling better. nice to meet you, jimmy. i have to get back. i'm having dinner with the danvers. oh, no thanks. i wouldn't know. look. up in the sky. someone's chasing him. yes.