don't you believe in knocking? what can i do for you? here it is. oh. of course. you're the orphan. i'm so sorry about your parents. we'll try to make you happy here. lucy, your roommate still home with anorexia? linda? are you with us? you may go, linda. but try not to clown around in the future. no plans for the weekend, linda? can't have you moping around the campus. why don't you come home with us for dinner? what? me? probably drunk again. i'm sure linda got back all right. i'll just drop by the school and. make sure she's all right. a supergirl. linda. is it linda? are you all right? but why? not even my wife. and, if there's anything i can do to help---i'd be honoured. if only i hadn't made that speech denouncing her.