it may well be. i know how you won that election selena. you can't fool me. you're not going anywhere. except back to nowheresville. you're too impatient, selena. look around you--all these people have served years and years of apprenticeship. some of their families have been in the craft for generations. you can't join and take over our whole organization in a few months. you're going to pay a terrible price. the power of shadow is tricky. use it too much and it takes over. cigarette? sorry. forgot you were trying to quit. you need me, selena. i'm the only one who can save you from a terrible fate. make me. balefire on you, selena! you think you are on top now. well there is someone coming to challenge you. i saw it in the cards this morning. you won't last a year, selena. the cards don't lie! i have to talk to you. you used to listen to me. when you asked me to teach you something of the craft. trust the wisdom of the ancients, trust the great mother to protect us. why. are you staring at me like that? nothing's wrong with my skin. nasty bitch! you better have a pretty good explanation for this, selena. how did she find out about us? you! you want to take our power for yourself! you would! you revealed our existence so you could have all of our power. why get rid of her at al1? you've used the coffer of shadow too much. it is beginning to rule your heart. i have no choice. supergirl! she's waiting for you. on taliesen mountain. stop her before it's too late!