over here george. it's the perfect spot. nice view. better eat it quick. it won't look too pretty when it's all covered with ants. why george, are you proposing? george---i thought you'd never ask. a squirrel frisbee? that's funny. i'd swear i know just what this is, but i've never seen it before. i've got things to do. call me next week. maybe we can have lunch. don't worry about old nigel, i can take care of him. he's just a sore loser. what do you want? i'm sorry, but i already promised bianca she could have switzerland. you know how she loves to ski. cheer up, nigel. it's not the end of the world. i have plans nigel. you could come with me. i'm going places. i just did. because i have the power. bianca's taught me all! need to know. i'll be safe, as long as i don't go too far. nigel, get out of here. and don't come slithering back. nigel shakes his head. i need you like an eskimo needs a lawnmower. now burn rubber. you scorpios can never take a joke. throw him out. thank you, sisters and brothers of the craft. it is a great honor you have given me, and i will try to be worthy. and when my secret plans are revealed -- you will learn that we are on the threshold of power and influence undreamed of when nigel was our leader. and now, ,i call upon the great mother--the spirit of nature --- to bless all our endeavors in the coming year. it's a warning, that's for sure. there's no such thing as an accident. everything has meaning, if you can read the signs. don't ask me. i can't read the signs worth spit. stop the car! i said stop, i didn't say run into a brick wall. the coffer of shadow. look at it. what does it mean? oh, fiddlesticks. what could be dangerous about a baseball game? it must be the girls. one of the girls. drive on. we have already attracted enough attention. we'll bide our time and keep watch. young girls just can't keep a secret. if one of them's up to something--we'll find out. bianca, try not to be so bloodthirsty when you're at the wheel. ok? he will be. in about five minutes. finished your estimate? come in, have a drink, we'll talk. you must be very popular in the neighborhood. i always see your truck parked around. i bet they do. oh, you know how parties are. always some damage. i just love plants and growing things. it must be wonderful to have green thumbs. cheers! but look, it's almost sundown! just take a sip or .i'll be hurt. it's an old family recipe, i'm famous for them. a passionfruit smoothee. to us. and to the seeds we'll plant together. sleep well. and when you wake, drown in my eyes and be all mine. if that's the jehovah's witnesses again. don't go away, gorgeous. i'll be right back. nigel, get lost. you're wasting your breath. i could teach you a thing or two now. i was just thinking, if i had your skin problems, i'd use a good tannisroot ointment. every night. such a shame. you ought to take better care of yourself. ethan. come back. you'll spoil everything! show me ethan. the silly fool! power of shadows. bring him to me. that was meant for me! it's what we were warned about. no, a super girl. why did she have to show up now? that's easy for you to say, bianca. am i? still? i've been saving it. for the right moment. not even nigel. what do i do? i don't know her name. power of shadow hear me. find her wherever she be. find her and destroy her. next time, remind me to do this out in the yard. i think i'd better keep it. yes. whatever i say. from now on. this won't take long. keep the motor running. what an adorable hat. and you think you're in love. this "love" of yours will soon wear off. i gave you a temporary love potion. it's the truth. in twenty-four hours you'll forget all about that girl. yes, yes i saw the whole thing. how could you be interested in that puny little girl? forget her, you're mine. i saw you first. here. drink this. it's an antidote to the love drug i gave you. you can't escape from me that easily. i'm afraid you don't know who i am. don't think i'm weak, just because i'm a woman. i have power. give in, stop fighting me, ethan. i always get what i want. they're over for you sweetheart. now you see who you're dealing with. this is your problem, right here. this girl's driving you insane, ethan. let me help you. come back to my house. my car's outside. i never met a man i couldn't have--and you're no different from the rest! power of shadow---seize him. give up? what goes up must come down. come down from there, you foo1. before you get blown off and kill yourself. it'll be dark soon. and cold. come down while you've got the chance. she's not coming for you. i killed her. she's dead. no way. i'm not going to let that little hussy make a monkey out of me. i use men, but i'm not addicted to them. i can quit whenever i want. what a touching scene! i am selena. give him to me. now. or you'll both be sorry. all right, miss know-it-all. if i can't have him, nobody can. coffer of shadow, show your power! a cheap trick. yookoohoo! no, that's not it. sis-o-reb! nope. ka-ma-hoochie! shut up, and get me a hacksaw. i don't feel like it right now. that little girl? ha. now go on, get me some tools. good. now bring the car. we must call a meeting of the seven. there you are. come to mama. you're late. you're more afraid of the president than me??? let us begin. i invoke the rule of seven. we are in great danger. a being has come to earth with powers far beyond those of anyone member of the craft. it is not superman i speak of, but his cousin kara. she knows we exist. by the rite of ultimate power. one person must volunteer to take on the combined power of us all. nige1, you know the one who takes on ultimate power must sacrifice the last sparks of her own spirit. which of you is willing to make that sacrifice? maybe you'd like to get rid of this supergirl yourself, nigel? nonsense. i invoke the rule of seven. do you agree? at last. ultimate power. what do you mean we? i could force you. go on, talk big! i'll soon have you purring like a kitten. you've been without water for a whole day. let's see how thirsty you get in a week. careful, don't make me angry. i start fires when i'm angry. i told you i'd win. kiss me. enjoy your prison, supergirl. it's forever. nations of the world! i bring you tidings of a new age! i bring you a return to the ancient true worship of nature, our sovereign queen and mother. and i bring you myself as her representative here on earth. from this moment forth, all science, religion and other unnatural beliefs are forbidden. and in their place i will teach the one true way of our ancient grandmothers. and it's about time too. threats? i don't need threats to destroy civilisation. i have something better. they want me. doesn't it make you proud? coming? smile, lunk-head. you're not a gardener any more, you're prince ethan now. guess! go on. you're a regular einstein, aren't you? quit staring so hard. you'll strain your eyes. you can't put her out of your mind, is that it? i'm ready for her. i'll show you. unless supergirl agrees to go away forever, the serpents will drop them one by one. that one was for you. but i thought i'd wait and see how you behave when supergirl gets here. i'd hate to lose you, ethan. you don't get this far without paying. a certain price. the danvers. and two of your little friends. all right, supergirl. the game's not over till the last card's dealt. not yet. i'm free. i can never thank you enough. ever since i found that thing i've been like a prisoner in a terrible nightmare. you have no idea how awful it is to be mean all the time. what about me? they'll make, hash out of me around here. what's it like? sounds o.k. to me. let's go. where is inner space? will they be angry with me for stealing the power source? yes, i see it. shining like a jewel.