by i can manage, thanks. everything's going to be all right. she's just unconscious. no broken bones. thank you. i'm going to close this up again. it's for your own protection. i'm taking you to the hospital. later. i have to. relax. tomorrow this will all seem like a bad dream. goodbye. leave this place and do no harm. i didn't want anyone to know. but i was so tired. forgot. just need rest, that's all. sorry about all the damage outside. i had to fight some terrible thing. an evil force. trying to destroy me. you won't tell anybody, will you? thank you, mr. danvers. who didn't? you love me? we have to have a long talk about all this. are you sure it's all right for us to be here? yes. it reminds me of home. no. argo city. it was on a chunk of rock that was part of krypton once---but we moved it to inner space. it's not important. the important thing is i'm here to find something and i think you can he1p me. ethan, tell me more about this woman who's after you. tell me where i can find her. but be reasonable. if i don't do something to stop her she'll try again. and maybe hurt you. we can't do that. we're from different worlds. all this talk about love, it's silly. of course i don't hate you. i don't hate anyone. i. i don't know. this is all so sudden. what's that? no. of course not, but. there are things we don't understand. well. i guess one is all right. is this how? who are you ? i don't scare that easily. that ought to keep you out of my hair for a while. cheap but effective. i thought i'd show you one of my favourite places. but i have to go back. i brought you here so you'd be safe. from her. i'll stay for a while. ethan---when i said 'a while' i meant a couple of hours. well, maybe a little longer than that. ethan, what is wrong? what wouldn't last? what's the matter with you? just like that? where are you going? but why? i sort of like what you said. but i don't understand. hello. are you still mad at me? it seemed that way to me. miss what? and now? well. i don it know much about these things, but maybe if you had that feeling once. it can, come back. i don't see why not. feelings are real. once you've had them, they're yours forever. are you asking me for a "date"? aren't you forgetting about selena? there's something very dangerous about her. something evil. that's the power source that was lost from argo city! that's what i came: to find! where does she live? i can see through walls. i could surprise her. the only thing i can't see through is lead, that's why i didn't see the power source at the amusement park. you'll be safe here. i'll come back as soon as i have the power source. what? and you can see how you feel about me, right? ethan! hey take it easy. i won't hurt you. what are you talking about? where's selena? i have to find her. tell me. ethan! ethan! don't let her do this! no. no. it isn't true. zaltar. what is this place? i was on earth. yes. i went there to find the lost power source. but the person who has it. tricked me, and sent me to the phantom zone. i know. others? mid pleasures and palaces though i may roam" just feels, a little, like a tiny bit of argo city. it's lovely. . . are you happy, zaltar? but what about other people? don't you miss them? you look at them? how? wait. could. could i see the place i just came from? that horrible woman! no. i have to see this. zaltar, please help me. help me to get back to earth. where my friends are. they need me. if there's a way in, there must be a way out. i knew it! why? then teach me how. tell me how. to do it. if you could do it, i can. then come with me. you could do anything. you could sculpt mountain ranges. draw with rainbows! you'd have superpowers. please. i have to get back to earth. my friends are in trouble. and unless i bring back the power source, argo city will die. you're going to take me back? i heard my mother ask you once "how could a man with such a selfish heart create beauty?" she was wrong, zaltar, you have a generous heart. why are you stopping? better than when i was a child. don't stop. keep moving. it's selena. i'm getting so i can recognise her work. zaltar. use the wand! zaltar! you're not going to win, selena. i won't let you. zaltar, zaltar. you never had a selfish heart. wherever you are, zaltar, thank 'you. you've had your fun, selena, the game is over. it's just one more crime you'll have to pay for. you've run out of things to throw, selena. how do i fight it? i never doubted you for a moment. for what? your nightmares are over. i'm taking this back to argo city where it won't be misused. you could come too. it might be safer for you. i'll come back as soon as i can. do you want to come to argo city? it's the most beautiful place in the universe. grab hold of this. it forms a force field for the journey through inner space. it's everywhere. but water is always the door. they'll be grateful. if you hadn't found it, it would still be lost. look, up ahead. that's home.